Warriors Mission Bay Arena Rendering

While a couple of lawsuits aimed at derailing the Golden State Warriors’ plans for building a new 18,000 seat arena, entertainment center and office development in San Francisco’s Mission Bay have yet to be resolved, and a challenge of the arena’s certification as an Environmental Leadership Development Project by Governor Brown has been mounted, the Warriors are pushing forward with a project schedule that calls for breaking ground in the first quarter of 2017 and being substantially finished in July 2019.

In terms of construction, the shortlist of subcontractors for the first phase of the project has been set, the RFP is about to be issued, and contracts are anticipated to be awarded in the third quarter of the year.

If the team doesn’t break ground by the middle of 2017, the $1 billion arena, which has been “dubbed” Chase Center, likely wouldn’t be ready in time for the tip off of the 2019-2020 NBA season, which is a year later than originally planned.

Warriors Mission Bay Arena Rendering

54 thoughts on “Latest Timeline and Challenges for Warriors Move to San Francisco”
    1. Uninformed and caught by surprise when things don’t go as expected?

      Such as with the Warriors original plan to build the arena upon Piers 30-32, which we characterized as a pipe dream with a 5 percent chance of succeeding, despite the Mayor’s “legacy” support and the majority deeming it too big to fail.

      As we also noted at the time (2012), “there is another large parcel of undeveloped land around the corner that recently became available.” But hey, what do we know.

    1. I’m looking forward to both of these awesome projects. The shovels can’t hit the dirt soon enough!

    1. As a Peninsula resident I am looking forward to this myself . Short train ride away from my house and quick Uber home from Beyonce concerts

  1. What, exactly is the news here? Wasn’t this the status of things when we endlessly arg….er, vigorously discussed the project just a few weeks ago?

    1. Other than the scheduled completion date, the actual status and timing for the subcontractors who will be breaking the ground, and a rendering you’ve likely never seen before? Nothing, we guess.

        1. Of late, a host of empirical evidence supports the opposite conclusion.

          ‘Moderated’ in 3, 2, 1…

      1. It was a legitimate question – only 5% snark (by weight, and 2% by volume): the OP contains 6 links, all of them dated b/w Oct and March, and seems remarkably similar to this one.

        If the point of this was to (simply) tell us “things are going along”, fine.

        The new rendering is noted…thank you.

        1. It was an equally sincere response.

          On a typical day we’ll reach a couple thousand new readers, so we regularly include specific background links and context for those who might not already be as plugged-in.

          And once again, in addition to the rendering(s), the projected arena completion date and subcontractor status were new.

          1. That many new readers on a given day. SS is a “regional” site, so that is good to hear.

            I have recommended it to my property manager in Ohio – she has many clients in the Bay Area – and she loves it. Learns a lot about the Bay Area market and gets a kick out of some of the comments.

          2. We appreciate the recommendation. Our reach last year was over half a million people (and growing), from San Francisco to Hong Kong.

          3. Years ago, The Lumiere was still open, while awaiting Muni @ Turk & Van Ness, I wondered why the building had been a see-through for so many years. SS answered my question with the “Everything’s A Buck Thousand!” article. Still one of the better sites I’ve stumbled upon via search engines.

          4. I can vouch for the Hong Kong statement, having been some portion of that traffic. Last year my partner’s father passed away while traveling in Hong Kong and we went there to take care of things. Feeling homesick, I read SocketSite most days while I was there. Yes, I love SF real estate news.

  2. This will get completed just in time for combinations of age and contracts to close out the current window of Warriors greatness.

    Just one example – Steph Curry – everybody’s favorite MVP – is a UFA after this season, and he’s played the last 4 seasons under what is widely regarded as a grossly underpaid contract for an NBA player of his caliber. The current Warriors lineup was only made financially possible due to Curry’s current low contract. (The NBA has a salary cap – so it doesn’t matter how rich the owners are, team can only spend so much). And while Curry might take some hometown discount, he’s been pretty clear he expects to get PAID. Every time he suits up, there are 4 other starters he’s standing next to that get paid more than he does.

    And that’s just one player.

    With any luck, the Warriors will be full into suckitude and rebuilding by the time this thing opens. Gonna be hilarious watching all the bandwagon techie San Franciscans and their overpaid season tickets jump ship as soon as the team stops being championship caliber. Much like the Santa Clara 49ers and their temple of suck down south. Any team counting on Colin Kaepernick as their starting QB has a long road of suck ahead of them. Enjoy the overpriced luxury boxes in that glass terrarium they call a stadium.

    Warriors were sitting on a fanbase goldmine. Even when the team wasn’t that good, they still filled the Coliseum. (I feel the same way about the Niners – it was moronic of the team to move out of SF. )

    1. The NBA salary cap is going up and teams can always go over using the luxury tax. The Warriors are spending relatively less money on their roster compared to other teams. I expect them to spend a lot more to keep Curry and their core players in addition to bringing in new ones.

      Draymond and Klay will be in their late 20s and Curry will be in his early-mid thirties. A lot of basketball players play well into their mid-late 30s, especially good point guards/shooting guards like Klay and Steph.

      1. As the cap goes up, players contract demands go up. Its not like the cap goes up, and every other player on the team when they become FAs doesn’t ask for a dime more. Its exceedingly difficult to maintain a winning team. The Spurs are notable precisely because they have been consistently good for so long under Popovich. In 2010, coming off back to back championships, did anyone think 5 years later that the Lakers would be as atrocious as they are now?

        This think isn’t opening when they say it is. It IS going to get built. But there will be delays. By the time this opens, we’ll see who is overpaying for seats to see a sh!tty team.

        Niners were what – 8-8 the year Levi opened? 5-11 last year. Heading into what will be another losing season. Possibly better than last year, but nobody is predicting a winning season.

        1. Remember when you didn’t acknowledge that you got Steph Curry’s contract situation wrong?

          Anyway, you’re also getting this wrong. This Warriors ownership group is good at what they do, and they hire well. The Niners ownership group is not good, and does not hire well. The Niners moved to a an office park area of a suburb. The Warriors are moving to a vibrant city.

          Also, the cap will have gone up by the time Curry’s contract rolls around. But crucially, other core members will be locked in already, Green till ’20, Thomspon ’19. It is Thompson’s next contract that will test ownership’s resolve. That is, if everything remains as is. So many things can happen between now and then. Injuries being the main concern.

          Anyway, the Warriors are prepared to let Barnes walk away. They offered him $64M. What will likely happen is that they will offer the max to another top small forward free agent. This ownership group will go into the luxury tax. Why not? They are making so much money off this team. It is the most popular team in the league now, and it was a laughingstock when they purchased the franchise.

          1. They also have a team system like the Spurs which makes plugging in new complimentary players easier than relying on individual stars. There is almost no chance Curry will not be playing for the Warriors along with Klay and Draymond though 2019/20

            Plus Bird rights on Curry so they can go over the cap and and give him a max deal nobody else can

            What they need to worry about is how to replace Andre Iguodala who is 32 and makes it all sort of work and to a lesser extent Bogut who is also getting old

    2. Don’t count this a done deal yet. The judge(s) are likely to issue order(s) preventing start of construction until the lawsuits are resolved. I imagine the plaintiffs’ lawyer will request that. It happened with the 3rd/Mission condo tower the Four Seasons residents were opposing.

      Didn’t the 49ers leave partly because they wanted a City subsidy to build? And the voters never would have approved it? I know SC partially subsidized the Levi stadium.

      1. Dave, why do you always need to be a Debbie downer. Lawsuits are common. Do you really think people have sympathy for the Mission Bay alliance. A group of millionaires who have sour grapes about the Warriors taking their land.

        As for the 49ers.. The voters approved a one hundred million dollar bond to help with construction. Maybe you were not living in the city yet to remember.

        The lawsuits will move along and this Arena will be hilt within the time frame.

        1. Agreed, Public support + Warriors winning fever + Jerry Brown ELDP certification should seal the deal for shoves in the ground in early 2017. In the meantime, some1 PLEASE RELEASE NAMES/ADDRESSES of Mission Bay Alliance members on social media so Warriors fans can thank them personally!

          1. sassySFboy, the MBA publicly lists the names of their board members on their website. The board makes all decisions by voting. If you want to get in touch you can e-mail [email protected] (also on the website). Not sure why you would need addresses unless you are making bodily threats?

      2. Warriors have stated clearly that they are paying out of pocket. This project has support from the Governor himself along with a vocal group of Mission Bay residents like myself. The only dissidents are money grubbing biotech firms and unnamed elite associated with UCSF.

        1. And the new arena gets zero support from about 420,000 Oakland residents who have loyally supported the team for the past 20 years. But I guess they don’t count….

      3. Wrong, Dave. No judicial orders staying construction issued but the developer (reversing what had been its professed intention) decided to defer groundbreaking until the litigation was resolved by settlement agreement.

      4. Dave. I really appreciate your negative reading of every possible scenario. I think I recall you also still holding out hope that they would stay in Oakland. Keep fighting the good fight

      5. football stadiums and basketball arenas are very different. there seems to be a lot of public support for this privately financed arena that has obvious benefits to the city and region that a big football stadium does not

    3. Don’t worry, there is a playground in Oakland where they 4D print elite basketball players. Warriors will increase in value if they build this arena in SF, because it is in SF not Oakland and because they will generate ~200 days of events per year, because it is in SF and not Oakland.
      FTR, Curry is signed through next year and becomes an UFA in 2017. BTW, LeBron James has a player option for free agency after this year.

      1. Did they actually do DPV calcs of a new arena in Oakland vs. SF – or more to the point were such actually released to the public – or did maybe Mr. Lacob’s living on the Peninsula have something to do with getting this project rolling…at least until SF hubris could kick in ??

    4. Yea people went to the Coliseum from all over the Bay Area, and now that fanbase is going to travel to Chase Center..

    5. You know very little about housing, contrary to your bluster and condescendsion (love that 3 to 7 story building solves all problems/ends wars/cures cancer/supply and demand does NOT exist nonsense) but you’re correct about the Warriors.

    6. That’s incorrect. Steph Curry will become an unrestricted free agent after next season, 2016-2017, not this season.

    7. At this point, Curry’s salary is not the be-all it might seem. Endorsements is the place where he can make money in the tens of millions and the Warriors have become so popular nationally that he’d be a fool to jump ship even to a media center like NY or LA.

      1. Supposedly he gets royalties for the shoes AND has an equity stake as part of his new contract with UA. Wonder how that fits into the expected value calculus.

      2. Curry signed his current deal when there were questions if he would ever even be able to overcome injuries so it was a shared risk by both parties.

  3. stick with the housing… basketball isn’t your thing.

    dubs have enough cap space to sign him next year

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