The Owen Kennerly designed Noe Valley home at 313 Duncan Street which Twitter’s co-founder Evan Williams and his wife purchased for $2,400,000 in April of 2009 has quietly hit the market without a tweet, remodeled and listed for $2,995,000 this time around.
Feel free to take a peek inside and out back.
Having purchased 226 Edgewood in 2011 with plans to raze the Louis Christian Mullgardt designed home and build a modern Olle Lundberg designed house on the Parnassus Heights lot, plugged-in people knew the move from Duncan was inevitable. But in the face of fierce neighborhood opposition, it would appear that the Williams’ proposed Parnassus Heights project has been cancelled or indefinitely delayed.

wow. guessing they have underpriced to generate interest given the hot market. bast of luck to teh seller. My guess in north of $3.5MM……
Is there any evidence for the Parnassus Heights project being canceled or “indefinitely delayed”? Other than no news?
[Editor’s Note: Yes. The request for an exemption from a detailed environmental review for the project was cancelled and the Planning Department’s case was closed.]
Wonder where they moved.
Nice headline.
UPDATE: Interior photos have since been added to the listing for 313 Duncan to which we link above.
Does anyone have the old floor plan cached somewhere?
Do we really care about the place of employment of the owner? Can we get same attribution for owner of a physical therapy clinic, engineering firm, bone cancer specialist, VP sales of a sewer construction company? What’s with the endless Twitter fascination? Enough!
No doubt the buyer will be a person who likes to live well behind a quiet, modest, working-class facade.
Except, Invented – the owner of a physical therapy clinic, engineering firm, bone cancer specialist, VP sales of a sewer construction company probably couldn’t afford a $3M house…
In Escrow. On the same day two homes on Jackson sell for a combined for 29m. Hmmmm. Just speculating.
Sold $3.2m