Plans to demolish the two Dogpatch buildings on the northeast corner of Third and 19th Streets and construct two seven-story structures upon the 2177 Third Street/560 19th Street site, which extends east towards Illinois, are one step closer to reality.
As designed by Woods Bagot and Gary Gee Architects, the proposed development would rise to a height of 68-feet, with a total of 109 residential units across the two buildings which would be connected by pedestrian bridges on each floor, with a landscaped courtyard between.
In addition to the residential units, the project plans include 91 parking spaces in a basement garage with its entrance on 19th and 3,100 square feet of commercial space along Third.
Having just been granted an Eastern Neighborhoods Plan-based exemption from having to complete an in-depth environmental review, the project sponsors are aiming to begin construction next year and have the building ready for occupancy by the end of 2017, assuming San Francisco’s Planning Commission approves the development and a couple of variances, including one for the building’s mass.
Question: why do so few of these edgy, modern architect firms ever occupy any of the buildings they design? Their offices so often seem to be in much older buildings….why is that? Maybe if Gary Gee had to have his office in one of his edgy, modern bunkers, they wouldn’t be so sterile.
Love that blindwall, so neighborhood-friendly!
I think the blindwalls are because these parcels don’t extend to Illinois St. When the adjacent parcel gets builtout, these units will lose their view of the bay. Too bad as across the street is going to be a park.
That’s correct. The northwest corner of 19th and Illinois is a separate parcel, which extends north along Illinois to the white wall above, and is zoned for development up to 68-feet in height.
This is actually going to be a very stylish development.
The blindwalls sort of throw me as it looks like a plaza below them. Part of the complex and not a separate developable lot. But the SS article does not mention a corner plaza.
Maybe the person who did the rendering filled that corner with green to make it look better.
Looks like a much better street level treatment than most of the recent buildings along this stretch of Third.
Condos for sale or rentals?
Good question. The above link is to an earlier 10/23/14 item which refers to the development as condos
Thanks for clarifying that the parcel the blank walls face is a separate one. Despite the rendering which makes it look like part of the project.
This is a key issue for some. The massing of these to the lot line buildings throughout this area and basically almost all of SF. As it is, this building will need a variance because of its mass.
Now imagine how much more blocky/off-putting this corner will look when that separate corner parcel is built out to 7 stories totally covering that lot.
Imagine what could have been if that parcel was part of the project and left as a plaza. With the blank walls having windows, maybe awnings above the windows. Those windows looking down on the plaza.
It would have made for a far more engaging/interesting corner at this intersection.
Generations from now folks will look back and see Mission Bay, TI, India Basin and down to HP as sadly missed opportunities to do something great for SF. So much of this being built from scratch and in large chunks that a truly imaginative and creative vision could have, should have, been a core element of these developments .
Daniel Burnham’s post-quake vision for SF was a missed opportunity.
Pei’s 1980s proposal for what is now Mission Bay was a missed opportunity..
And so it continues.
Generations from now, assuming there are any, people will enjoy gondola rides through the flooded out ruins of Mission Bay.
This project does do a pretty good job on the retail. I think as most folks know, 3rd Street is pretty miserable for retail, because in order to provide space for T to have its own ROW ( a good thing) the sidewalks are pretty paltry and not very conducive to retail. So having the corner parcel open up to 19th and have large openings makes lemonade out of lemons. (I admit I can’t see what HAPPENS to the doors in the renderings…do they all stack on one side of the doorway? Any architects care to posit whether this will survive to the final buildout?). But every time I walk down Third I wish I despair at ever “fixing” it….with the tracks in the very center of the street, there’s not a whole lot you can do to increase sidewalk space other than just remove all the parking, or removing a travel lane in each direction, and I doubt either would ever fly.
“the project sponsors are aiming to begin construction next year and have the building ready for occupancy by the end of 2017, assuming San Francisco’s Planning Commission approves the development and a couple of variances…”
well here we are a year later with no indications of any movement on the ground. are we at least getting close?