On the southern half of the Corovan site in Lower Potrero Hill, behind Kaiser’s Potrero Hill Medical Services Building that’s proposed to rise along 16th Street, 181 residential units over 135 parking spaces will be built at 1200 17th Street if development is approved.
Varied in height and a work in progress, the residences would reach 48-feet, the height for which the site along 17th Street is zoned. Forty (40) percent of the units would be two-bedrooms averaging 1,120 square feet. Click either image above to enlarge.
To the north of the project site across Sixteenth Street, Archstone’s six-story Daggett Place will be rising on a site that’s zoned for 68-feet along with the one-acre Daggett Park.
What a waste, ridiculously short. This area needs housing and lots of it. Should be at least 65′, and even that would be far too short.
I’m into these… especially if brick is being used. I think this project would do nicely with some walk-up style front entrances.
I agree that it is too short. I also think there are too few parking spaces. Why would anyone build a building with less parking spaces than units? This just means the street is going to be even more cramped with cars and make the parking situation worse. The only way this works is if they are targeting people who work in misson bay or downtown and are single. Most couples or families already have 2 cars, so the math doesn’t work here.
@spencer No one in their right mind owns two cars in this city!! HAHAHAHAH!
What makes it too short? Four stories is plenty and what the area is zoned for. As for “cramped with cars” have you ever been in this area? There is literally no one parked on the street. Also, I have no idea what “targeting people who work in misson bay or downtown and are single” is supposed to mean. The idea is that if you live in the city, you don’t need two cars and are more than likely living in the city because you work there.
On a less ridiculous note, I really like the mixed height consideration. I looks more comfortably integrated into the neighborhood and surrounding buildings than most other structures.
@dick yes, there is an abundance of parking… now, but when you build all of these projects right next to each other (this one, kaiser, and the apartment complex at the corner of 16th and 7th) parking is going to become hard to come by.
I also couldn’t tell whether you were being sarcastic about families and couples having two cars in SF. This is probably accurate for this neighborhood. PH attracts a lot of people working in the pennisula given its close proxmity to the 280. i wouldn’t be shocked if 2 cars in this neighborhood for a family is the norm.
Where were all you guys when the debate was raging over the Eastern Neighborhoods zoning? The height limit was lowered from 50′ to 48′ (who can figure out why??) and the maximum parking is .75 car per unit – that’s why there are more units than spaces. Transit First! And I thought that the first floor required commercial so I don’t know why this is being proposed without any along 17th Street.
dick jams,
C’mon nobody parks here! are you joking around with that the street parking is full now and there is nothing there. Have you ever been to the area?
Also, I have 2 cars.
at most you need one car in the city, if that, even for a family. if you commute down the peninsula, try using caltrain — its right there. you can even work while on the train so the commute is more efficient than driving — that is what I do.
fewer cars, more humans, it works fine. you might even live longer if you figure out how to use your body to move through space.
The idea of transit first is blown by the Kaiser project with its 500 parking spaces.
I will tell everyone at my construction company about this caltrain you speak of. I am sure it will work very well for all of us.
While I am at work I will tell my wife and kids they can take the bus and walk to get to practice. Then I’ll say, “Car seats don’t worry about the car seats there are no safety belts on the bus anyway. And on your way home will you stop at the grocery store”
The extent to which people like to tell others how to live on here is ridiculous. Some people need their cars for work. Know that + keep that post to yourself, moving forward.
“you might even live longer if you figure out how to use your body to move through space”
You mean like through outerspace? How does floating around in outspace make me live longer, does the 0 gravity take the pressure off my bones and joints or something? Of course I would need to launch a spaceship to do that, does the caltrain stop at the Russian Federation launch platform or will I need a car?
It’s a good infill project for Potrero Hill. San Francisco is committed to the “village” ideal for neighborhoods and that’s fine. I would like to see these big projects designed more like individual lots, with stoops lining the sidewalk rather than centralized lobbies. But ADA elevator requirements and other efficiencies probably make that impractical. This develooment could at least be improved by ground floor retail on the corners.
Regarding parking – I live in PH and there are usually enough non car owners who lease out their space to residents with 2+ cars. Shouldn’t be a problem but who knows.
Thank goodness for more development in PH finally. I work downtown and drive – yes drive 3 miles at $400/month due to the crappy public transit – everyday. Mississippi and 16th is a very busy intersection as it stands during rush hour, and getting worse. The addition of Kaiser and 2 housing developments will add to that traffic so that will eventually need to be addressed. That in my mind are just growing pains and I’m still very grateful for new development finally.
PS – would love to see ground retail as well.
So, here’s a question: knowing the monthly cost of a garage space today, ($200?) and the cost/opportunity cost of garage construction, ($50000?), is building garage spaces actually financially justified?
I would guess that some spaces are, since some people will be willing to pay more, but not a huge number.
@ bigV: Thanks for telling us all how we should live by your rules. We’re all so glad to get your sage advice.