Listed for $2.175 million last month and still on the market, an “at asking” sale for the 1,262-square-foot, two-bedroom unit #61C atop the “poor door” free tower at 181 Fremont Street, which sits on a foundation that reaches down to the bedrock below, certainly wouldn’t be cheap at “over $1,700 per square foot!”
Having been purchased for $3.285 million in October of 2018, or roughly $2,600 per square foot, which was in-line with the pricing for other units in the building and established a “anew comp!” for the valuation of other units in the tower and neighborhood, however, an “at asking” re-sale of the “highly upgraded luxury unit…made for upscale daily living,” with stunning views from every room, access to a high-end amenity floor in the sky, and an on-call valet and concierge, would represent a 33.8 percent drop in value for high-end unit on an apples-to-apples basis.
Keep in mind that the 1,992-square-foot, three-bedroom unit #60A at 181 Fremont re-sold for $4.0 million in mid-2022, which was officially “over asking!” according to all industry stats and aggregate reports but (only) down 30.8 percent from the $5,772,672 which was paid for the unit in 2018, prior to it being remodeled, as we revealed at the time.
What difference does it make if the building “sits on a foundation that reaches down to the bedrock below” if its neighbor next door… doesn’t?
It does now! And 181 has its challenges, but building robustness isn’t one of them.
Is it so robust that it can withstand a 60 story concrete tower falling on top of it? Those engineers deserve a Pritzker!
Absolutely! Why else would they put in that diagonal bracing but to prop up nearby towers that happen to fall on it?
It wouldn’t be on “top of it”, it would be “into it” – they’re roughly the same height – but the Millenium wsn’t leaning toward this building anyway…it was leaning away from it.
But maybe you’re right: “being hit by a toppling building” is among the top two causes of death in this country…right behind “all other causes.”
I don’t know how many of the units in 181 are left unsold. Now that they have made the one-bedrooms available to non-owners, I think the total number went up to 67 from 55 (one of which from splitting the Grand Penthouse into two?) In any case, 61C feels a bit dated already, which is unfortunate. Mauve cabinetry in the kitchen (with a microwave on the counter), a bit of an odd floorplan (the second bedroom door is off the living room with a pocket door at the window line), and a HOA of $3235 all contribute to the downside. I believe 60C has never been sold (, and I’m not sure how they would price it now. My guess is that 61C will have to get under $1500 a foot, which means $1.9m.
AFAICT, Unit 60C had it’s listing removed last month when it was still at the $1,739 per ft.² price point.
I’ll leave it to real estate agents to debate how close of a comp the “D plan residences” constitute for “C” plans, but the 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom Unit 64D sold in Feb 2024 for $2.9 million or $1,839 per ft.². $1,500 per ft.² would be a pretty surprising (over 18 percent) decrease for the plan difference and floor placement of the unit.
I did wind up getting surprised, and if we’re going by Price Is Right rules, you nailed it. 124 days after the main post above and 151 days after its Feb 2024 listing, Unit 61C sold for $1.85 million, under $1,500 per ft.² just as you guessed.
That closing price — 14.94 percent below asking — constituted an equity-impairing 44 percent diminishment (a nominal $1,435,000) of value for the high-end unit on an apples-to-apples basis from the previous sale five years and 9 months earlier when it was purchased from the developer. Put another way, just that gross nominal loss amounted to ≈ $20,000 each and every month that the seller owned it, setting aside the impact of inflation.
I’m guessing that the buyer’s a candidate “real estate genius”, who bought because they thought some high earning renter would cover their mortgage + HOA and tax because they then put the 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, luxury condo on the rental market about two weeks afterwards asking $9,900 per month. AFAICT, it was leased in September. As of this writing, Zillow’s rent is $6,803 per month.
The buyer must have either put down a large amount or managed to get an advantageous mortgage interest rate if they financed the purchase. A back-of-the-envelope calculation indicates that at the prevailing (at the time) average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate jumbo mortgage, assuming a 20 percent down payment and 4 percent closing costs, the payment on the bargain closing price’s principal and interest alone would be a tad over $10k per month. Add in the $3,235 HOA Dues, Property tax, and Home insurance and you’re north of $15,400 per month. So if the unit was in fact leased at the asking price, and purchased under those assumptions, the new owner (and landlord) is lighting roughly $5,500 on fire each and every month that they hold this asset, hoping to recoup their money when they sell it or from accumulated future rent increases.
These types of buildings are not my style at all, but after seeing these photos, I could see the appeal if you work from home. It’s incredibly bright and sunny with amazing views all day long. It seems like it would be quite a mood-elevator. You can use the amenities on-site at any time of the day.
Sunny, amazing views don’t really make one want to to work all day though.
Re: “incredibly bright and sunny”. Working on a computer, the glare that comes with it gets old real fast. Great for entertaining clients though, along with the views. A moot benefit in a residence of course.
what a crummy kitchen for $3.2 million, or even $2.1.
In the running for worst, most indifferent staging ever — in the SS pix, anyway — on the all-important “Asking $ per Unit of Warmth” basis. Second BR horrific, ’nuff said; crummy kitchen not much better; one LR pic shows cheap (?) mirror flung carelessly upon wall. MBR barely into neutral/positive territory thanks to coherence of color, though helped immensely by complementary colors — many of them external — within the photo’s frame. Dining chamber positive thanks to view, offsetting wood tone, and…inability to see any of the rest of the place.
Great staging, perspective buyers must be salivating.
The first sentence is incomprehensible.
Do you mean a “poor door”-free tower, as in a tower that doesn’t have a “poor door?” If so, you need that all-important hyphen to make that clear.
Otherwise the sentence reads that this is a “poor door” tower which is also a free tower. And I don’t know what that means but I’m guessing that neither of those things is true.
Writing precisely is important to readers’ comprehension.