For the first time since early 2020, real estate Open Houses and showings can once again be held in San Francisco without any capacity, distancing or scheduling requirements in place, as all pandemic related business and activity restrictions, other than for “mega-events” events with more than 5,000 people indoors, or more than 10,000 people outdoors, have officially been lifted or rescinded in San Francisco as of 12:01 a.m. this morning.
That being said, face coverings (masks) are still required for all individuals on public transportation, indoors at K-12 schools and childcare centers, in all healthcare settings, in all correctional facilities and detention centers, and at all homeless and emergency centers.
In addition, masks are still REQUIRED for unvaccinated individuals in all indoor public settings and businesses, including retail, restaurants, theaters, cultural and entertainment venues, meetings and government offices serving the public.
And yes, business owners can ask customers and employees to verify their vaccination status and/or require everyone to wear a mask, whether they are vaccinated or not.