As we reported in September, “with the one-year extension to start work on the 40-story residential building approved to rise at 340 Fremont Street set to expire in two months, the building permit for the 348-unit development has yet to be approved but it is making its way through Planning with the demolition permit to clear the site for construction awaiting a few signatures as well.”
Today, the demolition permit to clear the site for the 40-story tower to rise at 340 Fremont Street was approved and it would appear that they’re getting ready to rubble. That being said, having been issued last month, the permit to actually build the tower has been appealed and suspended.

Lemme guess who appealed it…some hypocrite living in a neighboring tower that doesn’t want to lose their view?
So what are the next steps for the developer here?
After the PG&E San Bruno pipeline explosion, I’m not sure that I would want to live next to the gigantic PG&E NatGas facility on Folsom & Fremont.
It’s not a gas facility, it’s an electrical substation. There was a CNG fueling facility (for vehicles that run on CNG) at the site, but it closed in October.
Maps of the major pipelines are available online (namelink) from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
In San Francisco they terminate at the PG&E facilities on the bay waterfront at Evans and 22nd and also at SF General, though I don’t know how active they are.
The Mission and 8th Street Substation had fires in 1996, 2003, and 2005, but they were contained within the building.
Most of the PG&E explosions in San Francisco are street transformers overhead or under the sidewalk.
Many of those transformers provide DC power for elevators in older buildings. (namelink)
UPDATE: High-Rise Vs High-Rise: Approved Tower Appealed By Neighboring HOA.
UPDATE: Appeals Denied, Approved 400-Foot Rincon Hill Tower Cleared To Rise.