Kilroy Realty will officially break ground at 333 Brannan Street this afternoon. The six-story building to rise on the former sixty-six space South Beach parking lot which is two blocks from the ballpark will provide 175,000 square feet of office space and a ground floor café along Brannan.

The 333 Brannan Street development will yield $8 million of impact fees for the City and should be ready for occupancy in early 2015 with a courtyard along Stanford and another along Brannan to break-up the building’s mass (click any image to enlarge):

12 thoughts on “It’s RIP For Another Parking Lot As 333 Brannan Breaks Ground”
  1. brilliant news! that old parking lot is such an eyesore and waste of a central location.
    Funny how the renderings show people riding bikes on Brannan, as there’s no bike lane and drivers treat that street like a freeway.

  2. 5 stories is completely appropriate for this area, and the scale of all the surrounding buildings. Nicely done all around; would prefer more parking, but with 38 private spaces, plus car-share spaces, it’s better than many SoMa developments.

  3. Glad to see this going up. It’s a nice addition to the area and will improve this lonely block of Brannan. Kilroy is certainly putting its stamp on South Beach/SOMA.

  4. I hope that this is executed well because I really like the massing of this building. It’s broken up nicely and fits the context of the neighborhood.

  5. yes, it looks good. and good riddance to these parking lots. at a glance, my only hesitation is the brick veneer. I think it’s tough to make brick look good. of course any new brick construction is just cosmetic so there’s not much aesthetic integrity to the material to my eyes. especially in contrast to the older buildings and warehouses where it’s the real deal.
    it doesn’t look bad in these renderings but there’s a bunch of buildings near the ballpark up on 2nd where it looks like crap. like they took the floor from a mcdonald’s bathroom and covered a wall facing the street. cheap cheap cheap. it’s always such a terrible color brick. and usually bad architecture.

  6. in my post above, I just realized I was confusing this development (333 brannan) with 270 brannan, 2 blocks down the street.
    my concern about brick façades remains but, from all the renderings, I’m more concerned about the aesthetics of 270 brannan than 333.
    that said, I’m definitely supportive of these developments, generally speaking.
    I just want them to look good. I’d cite the newer building across the street from chronicle books on 2nd that’s a good example of a bad use of brick and poor architecture. hallmark soma stuff in my eyes. hate it. it’s like a sick caricature of the real warehouse buildings around there.!data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d-122.390958!3d37.78096!2m2!1f31.65!2f91.78!4f75!2m13!1e1!2m7!1smGhNa-97_ZsjUFwyxE97sg!2e0!5sIronside!7e2!9m1!6s2nd+Street!10s680+2nd+St%2C+San+Francisco%2C+CA+94107!5m3!1smGhNa-97_ZsjUFwyxE97sg!2e0!3e2&fid=5

  7. I agree that this all feels bubble-licious. Just imagine how big the bubble could inflate to if Wall Street returns to the days of liar loans and bond pools of neg-am loans.
    The interest rates are ticking up a little bit but are still low and the Fed just promised that they are going to remain low even as it slowly (very slowly) stops refilling the punch bowl at the party. Hard to see too much that could pop the bubble in the near future. I am hoping though that it does stop inflating so fast as that will allow it stay inflated longer.

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