Celebrity “Top Chef” Suvir Saran has leased 8,500 square feet at the base of NEMA on the corner of 10th and Market Streets with plans to open a yet-to-be-named restaurant “created specifically for San Franciscans.” The restaurant is slated to open in the Spring of 2014.
Under Saran’s direction in New York, Dévi became the first Indian restaurant in the United States to earn a Michelin Star.

“Created specifically for San Franciscans”? As opposed to what? Martians?
Wonder what the rent is on 8500 sq. ft. …
San Francisco, The Reality TV Show.
Coming this winter on Bravo.
Just say no to uberhype.
Regardless, I’m delighted to see this part of Market St. finally getting some real traction. For decades I’ve thought that it is such a waste that this easily-accessible, central part of the city was such a disaster area.
Finally Twitter employees will have some place to spend their IPO money!
“Just say no to uberhype”
I was also riffing off of the “starchitect” press last week on mid-market (unknown name to me but I’m not in the biz).
Loving all the positive MM development — I just cringe when we go “starchitect, celebrity” glitz. Doesn’t seem to play well in these northern parts.
The jealousy factor is huge any more on SS.
What a bunch of whiners.
Yes they will spend it there and they will spend it on Noe Valley/Mission housing.
We can only hope that the mid-market area gets cleaned up from all the crap, drugs and shopping cart craziness and eventually becomes as nice and exciting and clean and wonderful as Times Square.
Yes, we can hope.
It is possible.
Times Square? You’re kidding. We should try to make Mid-Market a place where local residents actually *want* to go.
Well, so far all the crap, drugs and shopping carts are being pushed south…perhaps Twitter and Square D and all the rest of them can contribute into a benefit district to benefit south of mission between South VanNess and say 9th!
Mid Market has the potential to become our theater district, as well as retail and food. That serves BOTH residents and visitors. And no, I’m not kidding.
And don’t forget, we depend on tourism as well.
Six years ago I lived at 8th and Howard and would walk to and from the Civic Center station daily. Now I’ve started walking down Market St from the financial district to Hayes Valley every evening and there is a huge difference in the mid-Market area already. It is getting cleaned up and will continue to improve as the construction finishes on all the projects from 4th St through Octavia are completed.
Granted a lot of it is, as Push em notes, the result of the less desirable element of the neighborhood getting pushed out, likely to both south of mission but also into the Tenderloin as well. Market Street meanwhile is getting transformed.
I’m with Futurist on this one. But aside from the potential for a real “theater district”, I love the thought of a Devi-like restaurant in SF. Just hope the “created specifically for San Franciscans” implies a focus on local produce, and not lowering the sophistication level.
Its great to see accomplished chefs like Saran and companies like twitter, uber and others are investing in our area which can be truly wonderful. lets not forget we are heavily depending on Tourists and conventions to make the city truly wonderful. looking forward to NEMA (new market) area.