The environmental impact report (EIR) for Lennar’s proposed Candlestick/Hunters Point redevelopment was approved (certified) last night, unanimously by the Redevelopment Agency and in a split decision by the Planning Commission (4-3) with Miguel, Antonini, Borden, and Lee in support.
∙ The Grand Plan And Aesthetics For Candlestick/Hunters Point [SocketSite]

This not a very large majority. Will it be appealed with the Board of Supervisors? And if so, how will they rule?
Why does the Board of Supervisors even have any say on a development project? Can someone explain or have a place to read what the role of a supervisor is supposed to be in San Francisco?
You only act when you’re about to lose what you’ve taken for granted.
passerby, any decisions by the planning commission can be appealed, and the board of supervisors is the designated “appellant body”. And this is true in almost every county in California.