We’re not vouching for the “numerous opportunities.” And only those with deep pockets need apply. But we do find ourselves enamored by the (albeit likely unintended) artistic nature of a few of the listing photos from inside 715 Commercial.
∙ Listing: 715 Commercial (4/1) 1,901 sqft – $929,000 [MLS]

lemme guess the owner died of lung cancer.
hey how did an italian and jewish agent get this listing?
I am pretty sure that they filmed the movie seven in this apartment.
Sure seems high at almost $500 PSF as one will need spend atleast another $500 PSF and two years to get the property to a liveable condition.
he who underestimates howard reinstein lives to regret it.
That is just craptastic.
If walls could talk.
This building looks like it has been vacant for at least 10 years. It is such a shame that it wasn’t being put to its highest and best use despite the fact that it is located in one of the most densely populated neighborhood in Chinatown.
One of the bright spots is that this building is about two and a half blocks away from the new City College of San Francisco — Chinatown branch scheduled to open in Spring 2011.
I think this mixed-use building could be more competitively priced at $700K.
“…one will need spend atleast another $500 PSF…”
Why not just buy a 55 gallon drum of polyurethane and cover everything with a glossy sheen ? It worked for David Ireland
(kidding, just kidding !)
Thats a really old washing machine sans wringer.
So they washed clothes in that room with the can lites?
They sure smoked a bunch.
Wow. If walls could scream.
I’m especially loving the updated wiring and plumbing.
Curmudgeon, just curious – what did you mean by the “UMB” crack?
Washing machine….Chinatown….now I get it.
UMB = Unreinforced Masonry Building.
Back in the 90s there was some state law that required property owners to retrofit or tear down their UMBs in the interest of earthquake safety. A lot of brick buildings were retrofitted or torn down then though I think that there were several loopholes that allowed some UMBs to remain untouched.
how do you know they smoked?
You can see where the pictures hung on the walls, that is from smoke.
Or, maybe they burned a lot of food.
I’ve seen car windows turned green and as dark as a tint, from cigarette smoke.
In any event, its not a good habit.
@Live Smart. What do mean by vacant for 10 years? The seven Chinese families who lived there moved out last month!
wow, mls got a new map widget. amazing!
Being right across from arguably the best eating place in Chinatown has got to count for something…
I love the interior shots. Looks like a David Ireland installation.
Outsider — what’s the best eating place in Chinatown?
R & G Restaurant at the corner of Commercial and Kearney.
The listing for 715 Commercial has been withdrawn from the MLS without a sale after 67 days on the market.
715 Commercial has returned to the MLS, now asking $679,000 with “zero” days on the market.
Sold for $640K, a mere 32% off original ask.