As a reader notes (and hopes), the proposed 1 Franklin development for which a building permit has been filed would rise directly across the street from the Stanley Saitowitz envisioned nine story 1600 Market, the site for which remains on the market at $3,100,000 (down from $3,195,000 a year ago).
The listing for 1600 Market now notes “approved” for “thirty-six residential units, street level commercial and eleven garage parking spaces” but with no permits filed (and not currently part of the Planning Department’s Pipeline Report for San Francisco).
∙ From Pavement To Eight Stories For 1 Franklin As Proposed [SocketSite]
∙ Entitled, Envisioned And For Sale (But Not Permitted): 1600 Market [SocketSite]
∙ Listing: 1600 Market (Proposed Development) – $3,100,000 []
∙ Stanley Saitowitz | Natoma Architects Inc. []
∙ San Francisco’s Q4 2009 Housing Pipeline Report [SocketSite]

Unimaginative design, but not a surprise considering the architect.
His roofline, and this one is no exception, are oppressively flat, heavy, foreboding and uninviting IMO.
The good news – it’s not likely this corner will be developed anytime soon.
Nice to see a new “flatiron” building- one without bay windows, stucco, and the usual ridiculous cornice and asshat applications.
Is is just me or did they photoshop The Hayes out of picture?
I really cant evaluate this development without the interior shots detailing the horsehair plaster, knob and tube wiring, and pull chain toilets.
Is it me, or does the building looks huge if it is only supposed to house 36 units?
I think the Hayes is blocked by the depiction of the proposed building.
I like the design of 1600 Market. I don’t know if it is yet time for the building of condos around Civic Center and Mid-Market to resume.
The Hayes is totally concealed in this image because its southern facade is on the alley parallel to Hayes and completely hidden.
Too bad for the few Hayes units that had exposures on along the Hayes’ inner lot line. They will look into a Saitowitz sidewall and if Yerba Buena Lofts is an example, it won’t be pretty.
I hope they are over their channel glass obession too.