In addition to the Giants/Cordish/Farallon proposal for the development of Seawall Lot 337, three other proposals were received by the Port. The four suitors:

1. San Francisco Giants; The Cordish Company; Farallon Capital Management
2. Build Inc.; Cherokee Investment Partners; UrbanGreen Devco
3. Kenwood Investments; Boston Properties Inc.; Wilson Meany Sullivan
4. Federal Development; Lehman Brothers; Construction Management and Development

“The SWL 337 development concepts will be presented by the development teams at the February 26, 2008 Port Commission Meeting, starting at 3:15 p.m., Ferry Building, Second Floor. On Saturday, March 1, 2008, the Advisory Panel will convene an all-day SWL 337 public workshop at Jelly’s Café, across the street from SWL 337. The workshop will be formatted to enable development teams and community stakeholders to have a direct exchange on the public’s response to the development concepts.”

We’ll see you on the 26th. And if anybody can get their hands on any of the other three design renderings before then, you know how to reach us ([email protected]).

The Rendering And Additional Details For The Giants SWL 337 Proposal [SocketSite]

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