Facing pushback from the neighborhood and powers that be, developer Nick Podell has now submitted a “completely reimagined” plan to the City for his proposed 2000-2070 Bryant Street project which would rise up to six-stories in height across the majority of the Mission District block bounded by Bryant, 18th, Florida and 19th Streets.
According to Podell, having “heard loud and clear that affordable housing is a priority in the Mission,” his team “went back to the drawing board to find a way to stretch and double [their affordable housing] commitment.”
And under Podell’s new plan, one-third of the site, the 2070 Bryant Street parcel, would be dedicated to the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development for the City’s construction of up to 129 units of affordable housing, while the remainder of the site would be developed with 186 market-rate units and three (3) rent-controlled units to replace those which would be razed to make way for the 2000 Bryant Street building to rise.
In addition, the development would include 11,000 square feet of ground floor PDR and arts space and 7,000 square feet of small-scale retail space at the corner of 18th and Florida Streets.
But the former Cell Space turned Inner Mission SF, which currently occupies 2050 Bryant Street which will also be razed, won’t be part of the new development and will cease operations early this year.
At this point, I’m totally unconcerned with what he wants to do with it, as long as it doesn’t lose sacrifice any of its material or aesthetic integrity. The steel, brick, window treatments, and pedestrian lighting looks great, as is.
Unfortunately, I’m sure this change of plans is going to put the project back into approval hell, and shovels won’t hit dirt for another year or two.
Look – he is keeping small business and providing housing (41% is great affordable housing) more so than the mayor is doing. Applaud the guy and let him build.
Guess you just couldn’t help but throw in a divisive jab while being “encouraging.” So SF!
Just to be clear, the only pushback from ANY actual neighbors with respect to this project was about its lack of off-street parking.
The neighborhood is a very unique ecosystem that has thrived despite — not with the help of — pretty much every agency of city government. There are a few bad actors (the Munchery, which spews smoke 24/7 within a few hundred feet of family housing, PG&E, etc.) but mostly its a wonderful neighborhood that is open to evolve as long as what is built is of quality. The gold standard is Heath, Silver Mission Cliffs, and Bronze the Box Factory.
Fantastic project. Build, build, build!
Wait so he’s meeting the affordability requirement by giving the land and therefore the construction costs to the city?!
Those are 6 lane highways! An interesting move to diminish the height of the building. Which really should be double the height anyway, with public open space, and with some effort to honor cellspace et al.
I honestly wish the rest of us would show up and speak in support of development. If you have ever gone to a public meeting, it’s filled with “for hire” poor people filled with pathetic (and totally unsubstantiatiable) stories.
Build this as proposed originally. The neighborhood needs poor people like we need a hole in our head.
your comments about poor people are really too much.
But to adress your comment about the public meetings. Many people in favor of development are extermely busy working their butts off to afford to live here without being subsidized and we put that priority before these meetings. They should all be on saturdays so available to everyone
UPDATE: The Reimagined Bryant Street Development (which is slated for approval next week).]