Eighteen days ago, the Presidio Heights home at 3867 Jackson Street which had been owned by the granddaughter of Herbert and May Fleishhacker was listed for sale at $4,250,000. An “offers due” date was set for seven days later on March 28.
Officially in contract on March 29, the Trust sale of the 3,940 square foot home closed escrow today with a reported contract price of $5,125,000.
Having stayed within the family of Fleishhacker descendants since being built in 1936, the property tax bill for 3867 Jackson Street was $2,885 in 2012. The new tax bill for the property should be closer to $60,885 a year.

Outstanding outcome and really a top notch price. This house probably sells for somewhere in the mid to high 800s back in 2007 heights when you could still get a Pacific Heights home for 1000psf with views. $1300/psf for this in its pre-renovation state; it’s amazing what a bit of competition will do to the well funded. Congrat’s to all!
Tell me again how Prop 13 isn’t a handout.
Prop. 13 saved many senior citizens on fixed or marginal incomes keep their homes. Two bad scheming tax and spend politicians find new schemes to raise tax bills.
My sewer tax is higher than the rest of my tax bill. 1200 bucks. My house in Sacramento I pay 60 a month for water and sewer.
Prop. 13 saved many senior citizens on fixed or marginal incomes keep their homes.
Ah, that explains why all of the other 49 states (that have no Prop 13 equivalent) are just teeming with homeless senior citizens.
My sewer tax is higher than the rest of my tax bill. 1200 bucks.
You pay $1200/month for your water and sewer bill? You must be phenomenally wasteful of water. I pay $200/mo for 5 adults and 2 children. How many people are in your household anyway?
It was Mort Fleishhacker who, when on the Planning Commission utters that family line, “would you like to live in an ugly city or die in a beautiful one”. That when the Board was considering major parapet legislation.
This already sold again for 6.85… I assume it was redone a bit?