With the $13 million makeover of Mission Dolores Park slated to kickoff this October, the proposed timing for the two phases of the project has been flipped.
The first phase of the proposed makeover would now close the north half of Dolores Park from October 2013 to March 2014. The second phase of the project would now close the south half of the park for eight months, beginning March 2014 and finishing October 2014.
The construction of the new restroom in the north corner of the park would span the two phases while construction of the proposed pPod pissior would occur in phase 2.
∙ The Grand Dolores Park Makeover Plan, Timing, And “pPod” Pissoir [SocketSite]
∙ Proposed Dolores Park pPod: A Pissoir To Manage Public Urination [SocketSite]

So they’re going to close the nicest part of the park in the summer in the actual summer, rather than in the winter when far fewer people will be there. Brilliant, San Francisco.
Danieleran, maybe they have reasons to do that. Why must we complain about everything? Yes, its a tad bit more inconvenient for users of the upper park, but get over it. Sheeesh.
Looking forward to this as I love this city park. Too bad it’s not larger.
I wonder how this project is going to upset the clique locus status quo. Certainly in progress it is going to scramble everyone’s positions, but when done will everyone go back to their former domain?
You know, I’m kinda concerned, well, really concerned about the hipsters leaving hipster hill and moving over to the Gay Beach.
There should be a quick test before entering Gay Beach.
Pretty funny how the know it all who mocks everyone in the park didn’t even know the block it is located on.
Noe Valleyfacation
Hmm, how would we check futurist? Is there a tried and true method that they use in the gay bars or clubs here? Something that can be done out in the open? 😉
I know what would work. A kissing booth!
Just put two cuties in there and let them charge whatever they like, to keep everyone happy.
No kissing the appropriate gender, no hanging out on the shelf.
I have to agree with Danieleran – it does seem odd to close the Dolores Park “gay beach” during the warmest parts of the year (April/May, Sept/Oct), when it’s wildly popular. By contrast, the hillside below Church/20th is comparatively empty from November to March, and I’m sure DPW and Rec-Park must know this. So what’s the reason for the switch?
Someone above complained that the “nice part” aka, the shelf, etc, of the park will be closed during the actual summer. Yeah that sucks, but pragmatically, the Dolores Park businesses are on the North end, and I bet they especially hated the idea of the closest part of the park being closed during the summer. Regardless, 2014 will be a rough year for us all!