Purchased for $2,250,000 in 2008, in 2009 walls were moved, a new kitchen and wet bar were installed, and “selective structural work” was completed at 42 August Alley.
Listed with 2,033 square feet in 2008, the remodeled North Beach home (click floor plan to enlarge) with two car garage is now back on the market and listed for $2,495,000.
∙ Listing: 42 August Alley (3/2.5) – $2,495,000 [42augustalley.com]

Seems really pricey per/ft for this type of build. and the wetbar seems so forced on such a small place, its like 8′ away from the kitchen….maybe should have put it between the living room/dining or just not even added it at all
I saw this on the MLS as well. I don’t get the TV placement in picture 9. Overall, too high of a price for the location and home.
[Editor’s Note: At Least It’s Not Mounted Over A Fireplace (Or A Television)…]
Seems rich.
Am I the only person having trouble decifering the floor plan from these pictures? The wet bar area makes absolutely no sense to me. Why is the dining room down the hall from the kitchen, and why wouldn’t you have an eat-in area by the kitchen and then swap the family room with the dining room, thereby making a more suitable, larger entertaining space?
Feels really cramped from the pics, and about $1m over priced.
Is there some killer roof deck or something?
From the website: “Roof deck with expansive views of the city and Bay from Alcatraz Island to the Transamerica Building.”
And $1200 a square foot seems a little bold.
Well if there’s a deck I change my mind: it’s now only $900k over priced.
This is a 2/2.5. There is no third bedroom. The floor plans list the third “bedroom” as a study, presumably because there is no closet. Yet, the vanity website and MLS listing both state this is three bed. Hell, the vanity website even states, “Entering on August Alley, the first level is complete with three bedrooms and two fully remodeled bathrooms.” No, no it’s not. Why the lies?
It could be a bedroom. Or a study. Or a dungeon.
It’s not like there’s a legal definition of what constitutes a bedroom. It’s not necessarily not a bedroom.
“It’s not like there’s a legal definition of what constitutes a bedroom.”
Um…wrong. Please take away R’s Internet Comment Card.
PN: Please point to the SF Muni or CA code that states what constitutes a bedroom. I’d love to see it.
My friend rents a 2br flat up the hill from this for $3k month. It has a much better view, parking and a killer roof deck. Ot course, this is not an apples to apples comparison….but I will let you run the rent vs buy.
It is quite unlikely your friend could rent that apartment now for $3k/month.
Convention requires that a bedroom have a closet. See http://www.sfaa.org/0508legalqa.html.
The Planning Department has determined that a second floor room cannot be a bedroom if the secondary egress is through a window facing a courtyard / lightwell. See http://sf-planning.org/ftp/files/LOD/2011/616%20-%2020th%20Street.pdf.
Ergo, no third bedroom.
So there is no legal definition, but there is ‘convention’.
And this room has three exits, only one of which is a light well. Also you reference docs from planning for new construction not a house built in 1912.
I think you misunderstand the meaning of “legal.” In common law (including law surrounding fraud), meanings of terms are most often determined by convention. Yes, I am a lawyer.
Regardless of your semantics quibbling, crap like this erodes trust. I don’t know Monica Pauli or Tim Farrell, but, if I ever meet them, they’ll have to dig their way of a trust deficit.
^ Just tell R to talk to the Hand
“Words are not pebbles in alien juxtaposition; they have only a communal existence; and not only does the meaning of each interpenetrate the other, but all in their aggregate take their meaning from the setting in which they are used”
So because you could argue that the common definition of a bedroom includes a closet means that is the legal definition?
Clearly you’re not a very good lawyer.
^ troll alert.
Please do not feed R. And everyone, do not ever be surprised at a realtor’s willingness to mislead or deceive in a property listing. That this happens with alarming frequency is not news or even worth discussing anymore.
OK. Fine. It is not a bedroom because the ‘convention’ says it needs a closet to be a bedroom. It is illegal to use an armoire.
This is just a room with two doors and a window, but you are not allowed to sleep there! No beds allowed. You must leave it empty.