First approved for development in 2003 but subsequently granted an extension to start construction by September 2012, the plans for Tishman Speyer’s two towers to rise at 201 Folsom (aka 314 Main Street), the sister project to Tishman’s Inifinty, have been revised.
The two towers at 201 Folsom will still rise 38 and 43 stories over an 80 foot full-lot podium, but instead of 725 units with a mix of 161 studios, 466 one-bedrooms and 98 two-bedrooms, the current plans call for 671 units with 12 studios, 234 one-bedrooms, 333 two-bedrooms and 92 threes.
The number of parking spaces over which the building will be built has been reduced from 1,010 to 701 as 272 parking spaces which were originally included to accommodate the Post Office at 390 Main Street are no longer needed (the Metropolitan Transportation Commission purchased 390 Main).
In terms of design, Arquitectonica has replaced Heller Manus as the architects of record, stay tuned for the revised rendering scoop.
∙ 201 Folsom: Three More Years To Contemplate And Start Construction [SocketSite]
∙ The Infinity Sales Center: SocketSite’s Inside Scoop [SocketSite]
∙ The Arquitectonica Redesigned 201 Folsom Street Rendering Scoop [SocketSite]

Great news on all levels, but I’m extra excited about this:
In terms of design, Arquitectonica has replaced Heller Manus as the architects of record, stay tuned for the revised rendering scoop.
I hope this will actually happen!!
Wow, this particular area is starting to get crowded, esp. during rush hour.
I agree with gellan that Arquitectonica is likely to produce a better looking building. I hope they go for something that exceeds the Infinity in appearance. The original design pictured here is bland.
so being revised, i assume this needs to be approved again. i think the ratio of parking for new developments is being reduced in the area.
Infinity got 1:1 parking.
Arquitectonica will MORE than likely design a better building than Heller/Manus. HM, in my opinion is one of the worst architects in San Francisco.
I used to work with one of the partners years ago and he was difficult and full of himself.
This project is another great example of our residential growth in downtown SF.
This neighborhood is actually very, very nice already. It is clean, with trees, landscaping, handsome architecture, lots of pleasing colors, abundant transportation options nearby. This may well be my new SF neighborhood.
I am very excited, as I’m sure all of you are, for the new renderings. Those tombstones shown above are not worthy for such an exciting new area.
Will these be rentals?
I work right tbere and it is not a neighborhood. Ever been there at nigbt or weekend?
Residents create the neighborhood. This project will add a large number of residents and improve the neighborhood. Patience.
Love it. Please build.
This is getting to be a pattern…Heller/Manus was originally hired to design 300 Spear and then Arquitectonica came on board to revamp it. Once more and it’ll officially become a trend.
“Once more and it’ll officially become a trend.” Definitely a trend I could live with.
Also, we’re lucky Glenn Rescalvo (Handel Architects) redesigned the apartment towers under construction over at Tenth and Market – The new design looks MUCH better than the original by Heller Manus.
“instead of 725 units with a mix of 161 studios, 466 one-bedrooms and 98 two-bedrooms, the current plans call for 671 units with 12 studios, 234 one-bedrooms, 333 two-bedrooms and 92 threes.”
Hooray for the threes! But while the original mix probably had too many studios, the proposed dozen is far too few.
Residents make the neighborhood. Problem is that these areas are usually populated by newcomers and out of towners moving to the big city. Full of tourist expensive restaurants and homeless people roaming at nights next to empty office buildings. See it every day when I work late and work weekends.
Agree with whats been said. People who move into these areas are the ones who are completely transient, and who are just moving here for a couple of years. People who never really get in touch with the city and who think San Francisco is just a couple of bridges and the Transamerica Pyramid.
UPDATE: The Arquitectonica Redesigned 201 Folsom Street Rendering Scoop.
As a resident of Infinity 1.0, agree w/most of the comments on this being a positive addition to the neighborhood (especially like the rooftop gardens).
Also, as a resident of SF for 15 years and having lived in Portrero, Tendernob, North Beach, and the Marina before moving here (~3 years ago), while it definitely was a little raw/urban in the beginning, the neighborhood is definitely coming into its own. No offense, Red, but: 1) “newcomers and out of towners moving to the big city,” sounds a lot like the residents in some of the other neighborhoods I’ve lived in (or SF as a whole); and, 2) if you’re only seeing these people to and from your office, it sounds like a limited view.
Even a transient-heavy neighborhood can create community. See any college town for an example.
In any case this development will do more to create community than the surface parking lot it replaces.
Am I the only one who likes the old design more? The new ones look like squished Infinity buildings. The whole area will look boringly repetitive.
Re: Residents create the neighborhood.
Milkshake, do you realize realize that this is the advertising slogan for Esprit Park in Dogpatch?
In any event, I completely agree that this will be better than the surface level parking lot. It just amazes me how many of these are still around in The City. Next time I’m in New York City, I’m going to make a special effort to take note of how many surface level parking lots are still visible.
I didn’t realize that. Perhaps I was exposed to their slogan and internalized it?
Or maybe I should switch careers to marketing/PR. I’ve already designed several logos (one of which is currently used in the real estate realm).
And yeah it will be new residents that turn around Dogpatch so I think that slogan fits the neighborhood well. Dogpatch 2030 will be quite different from now.