Plugged-in people knew it was coming and even got a brief peek inside, and now 2020 Jackson (a.k.a. The Hellman Mansion) has officially hit the market listed for $20,000,000 having been purchased for $22,500,000 in 2004 according to Propertyshark.
UPDATE: While Propertyshark states $22,500,000, tax records and a plugged-in source involved with the sale say the 2004 sale price was actually $15,000,000.
∙ Listing: 2020 Jackson Street (7/7.5) 11,500 sqft – $20,000,000 [MLS]
∙ 2020 Jackson’s Storied Past (And Currently Staging) [SocketSite]

For this much money, get a photographer that knows how to do HDR. HORRIBLE HDR!!!
House looks nice though…
UPDATE: While Propertyshark states $22,500,000, tax records and a plugged-in source involved with the sale say the 2004 sale price was actually $15,000,000.
Note to photographer: not every photo benefits from HDR. Those outdoor view shots for example would be better without the manipulation. In fact none of the photos take advantage of HDR to improve the image. They just make this property look weird.
I think HDR has become like A1 Sauce for some photographers. Apply it to everything to make it mo betta? Naw, it tastes nasty on top of ice cream, like these photos.
Here’s how to use HDR on real estate photography: Use it for daytime interior shots that include a window view. Apply enough exposure compression so that you can discern what the window view includes, but not so much that it looks trippy.
Current owners are apparently insolvent and can’t afford a decent photographer so they had to go with the realtor’s nephew.
Where’s my fancy external website with more pictures? The plain MLS listing just isn’t doing it for me.
$20 million?? that’s purple haze dreamin
Gotta see the floorplans of this monster. What a beautiful home. Okay, the photos do need to be toned down just (a lot) a bit.
Interesting. The tax bills for this property go to 4499 Deer Ridge Rd in Danville. It’s a manse in Blackhawk (7BR/7+BA/12380SF) now listed by McGuire for $9.75M. The tax bills for the Danville property on the other hand go to 2020 Jackson Street. Since the assessed owners are named Schwab they can probably afford just about any photographer they might fancy. BTW that tax records also show a sale price for this property of $15M in 2004, and it’s assessed close to that amount.
$20M listing, with a very hefty fee for the broker, and they can’t pay someone to take good HDR photos?
Do “photographers” even know that there are more than the default settings for making HDR images? Like that you can adjust the curves, local contrast, exposure balance and compensation, etc?
Horrible photos aside, place looks nice. It’d be nice if the broker or the “photographer” for this property look at the comments we make here on socketsite. Granted the broker probably makes shy of a 7-figure salary and don’t care much about what we say.
In an era of “McMansions”, ” mansion- like”, and “mansion – ish,” this is a real mansion. They just don’t build them like this anymore.
Where’s my fancy external website with more pictures?
Maybe it’s like the place on Washington and they expect to close, with multiple offers, before the first open house.
This place is sure to join the club of homes along Broadway that are not going to sell any time soon. The demand for homes above 8M+ is low and the ones selling “have it all” and go for a premium. This home is missing quite a few modern conveniences and lacks a yard. This place would make for a wonderful foundation, embassy, but it does not make for a good single family home. The old money that would have found this place an establishment already have those homes in their portfolio. Heck, even the Schwabs bought 2600 Pacific, which is now being gut renovated. Maybe they lived / live here now and are just trying to break even. Anyone know their loan balance on this place?
Place on Washington hasn’t closed yet, but will shortly. And even they put up a fancy external website:
I’m liking this photo discussion, even though I have no idea what any of you are really talking about. What’s HDR? And are the Washington photos also HDR – or something different? They’re pretty. I want to photograph my house like that.
Even though this is a “real mansion,” it’s a maintenance heavy home whose dated opulence doesn’t really appeal to modern buyers. I think eddy is right that it’s going to linger for a while and that its best use is as a consular residence. It’s also just too large – hence the appeal of a place like 2600 Pacific.
HDR Shots are gone; better pics with staging in place. Marketing website is now live, see name link. Also, I posted up a cool historical photo that didn’t get any notice so I’ll repost it again. I thought it was interesting:
I still think this will be a hard sell.
Yes, a vast improvement on those photos. They still employed some sort of exposure compression technique on interior scenes including a window. See photos 26/60 or 31/60. In a normal photo the scene through the window would be blown out white but here you can see the view outside. They could have used HDR here but my guess is they used either massive strobes or spliced two photos together.
Love the new photos. MUCH better than the old ones. Glad the broker listened.
See URL. They finally have a full photo website up for this amazing property.
nice pics and house and all, but this is way overpriced at $20 million. too many other “luxury” opportunities out there.
SF luxury market will be unable to escape 2nd US depression.
Plus, why would anyone want to pay $20 million for this place and pay another $325,000 per annum into the black hole of the City of San Francisco and its property tax?
2012 Decorators Showcase
$17.5 is the new asking
UPDATE: A Pre-Showcase $2,500,000 Price Cut For 2020 Jackson.