According to a plugged-in reader, reconstruction has restarted on the eight unit “Bosworth Homes” development at 408-416 Bosworth which first hit the market in 2009 before being taken back by the bank late last year and sold to Encore Housing Funds (“who focus on developing distressed properties…Expect a completion date of June/July”).
∙ The Abandoned (408-416) Bosworth Homes Head Back To The Bank [SocketSite]
∙ What Are 412-416 Bosworth: Full Pricing And Two Open This Weekend [SocketSite]

Some of these units were just started and have been sitting exposed to all the rain and weather for well over a year now, can’t imagine how they could be ready/habitable by June/July.
Correction – I meant some of these were never finished, not just started, clearly I need more coffee.
geekgrrl: The homes on Bosworth are actually about 90% done.
I think you are thinking about the ones on Rousseau which are part of the same development. My understanding is that those exposed ones will be completely torn down and construction will start from scratch.
I’m a little skeptical of the June/July completion date too but Encore specializes in these type of properties so quick turnaround I would think are in their interests. (I’ve also noticed that they have a pretty large crew working their daily…)
The Rousseau portion of this project has sat exposed- not those on Bosworth. The Bosworth properties are fully contained and Willow is correct- they are 90% finished (some of the units are 100% finished and lacking water heaters, etc.) The property has sprinkler system, fire alarms, and burglar alarms installed throughout. The Rousseau portion is going to be torn down.
I will also be keenly watching pricing on these units. (I think the original list prices have to be slashed by about 25-30%.)
The location is OK. (It’s close to BART and Glen Park / Bernal as well as the 101/280 but the freeway noise and traffic coming off San Jose Ave is substantial on that part of Bosworth. Also, there is a PG&E sub-station right next door.)
The units if I recall correctly are huge. (3-4 bedrooms which are not very common in San Francisco and may appeal to extended families.)
[Editor’s Note: No need to recall, just follow the links for the original pricing and unit mix for all eight.]
A friend was going to buy a house across the street from this. They have been damaged by neglect and there are signs of squatters and some vandalism is visible from the outside.
If there’s work going on it’s mop up first. I’d be concerned that without a complete check on what’s been done already, that these units are going to be cheaply done up for looks. It will still be ugly, but at least not falling down.
Ahhh, good to know about Rousseau, I’m relieved those will be torn down.
That said, this is a particularly high traffic and noisy section of Bosworth St given the amount of cars and buses. Also, the walk to Glen Park BART does require walking under the highway which is often permeated by urine stench.
So it will be interesting to see what the pricing is.
geekgrrl: You are right. The stretch from GP BART to the corner of Rousseau and Bosworth is really unattractive. Hopefully once these units are occupied and the small lot just before the San Jose Ave overpass is developed the area will be more pedestrian friendly and have more of a neigborhood feel.
It will be great to see these homes completed and the eyesore on Rousseau torn down. When will the demolition be done?
A twilight preview of these homes is scheduled for this Wednesday between 6-8pm. Prices ranging from $695,000 – $1,095,000. The new website is