“Even though [San Francisco’s new Federal Building] at Seventh and Mission streets was designed to allow Jane and Joe Citizen to explore the lobby and an open-air “sky garden” that starts on the 11th floor, some agencies inside want to keep us out.
Yes, there’s a guard at the entrance. Individual agency offices can’t be entered without keys or automated codes. But at least one department isn’t satisfied with the security, so it wants more.
Officials promise that We the People will have access. “One of the goals of the building is that people should be able to flow in and enjoy the public spaces,” says Gene Gibson, the Pacific region spokeswoman for the General Services Administration. “We want this to happen as soon as we can.”” (How’s it going? Updates on Bay Area’s big building projects)
∙ Morphosis: United States Federal Building [arcspace]

Shades of those useless barrier pillars at the Fed on Market St. Who’da thunk terrorism would be used to cut down on the public access that they used to help sell the building idea? “‘Should’ be able to flow…” indeed.
Well, let’s not get caught up playing a game of the “s’postas,” it’s a sucker’s bet when dealing with DC. See the garden now before you have to give up a kidney and your cellphone just to sit on the benches outside. Any guesses as to what scale of time “as soon as we can” applies to the GSA?
It sounds like someone forgot where their paychecks come from.
They probably figure some political megalomaniac might go up there and jump to their death for their cause, or some such stupid thing.