One of the best construction site webcams we’ve discovered is alive and kicking for Avalon at Mission Bay Phase III (240 Berry) as is the development of the apartments. And in terms of the final design, we’re still looking for the inside scoop (and wondering whether or not any of Arquitectonica’s original vision survived). Readers?
UPDATE: Tom is correct, it’s the Arquitectonica design that’s on the flyers. Also advertised: 260 apartments, 17-story tower, 8-story mid-rise; fire pits, outdoor movie theater, bocce ball court; and coming Mid-2009.
∙ Avalon Mission Bay Phase III Construction Webcam []
∙ 240 Berry: No Condos For You [SocketSite]

If anyone wants to see the final design, there are flyers in the current Avalon at Mission Bay buildings that show what it will look like. It’s going to be much better than phase II i can tell you that.
How are the other phases doing? Are they sold out? Any update?
My worst nightmare is the TRAFFIC that will build on the embarcadero going south. Density just increased by 5X in 5 years, yet the roads stay the same.
Where’s the show room?
The Avalon buildings are rentals not condos.
There are about 10 steal beams being planted in the north west corner all grouped really close together, it looks pretty strange. Anyone know whats up with that?
“If anyone wants to see the final design, there are flyers in the current Avalon at Mission Bay buildings that show what it will look like. It’s going to be much better than phase II i can tell you that.”
Does that mean it is a different design than the one shown?
I thought that it was going to be the Arquitectonica design with a few minor changes. Am I incorrect?
Regarding Embarcadero traffic in the area, it is generally a lot better than most of The City (I’ve lived in 1/2 dozen different hoods in SF). Of course the Embarcadero is busy during commute times or before or after a Giants game. But otherwise it is almost like a ghost town in the area – very quiet. I don’t think that the addition of a thousand more cars is going to make a huge difference.
Besides, even if it does mean more traffic, that is offset by higher property values due to living in a neiborhood with tons of new restaurants, shops, etc. When I first moved to SoMa & SoBe there was not one single grocery store. Now there are two and many great restaurants coming in (e.g. the two Kuletos and the Nancy Oakes). And that is just the beginning. This is the new SF.
“Does that mean it is a different design than the one shown?”
Did not click on the link to see until now. Although I’m just basing this on the flyer they have, the design looks the same. In fact, it may be the same picture.
Construction starts at 8am SHARP M-F. It’s like clockwork, loud earth-shaking pounding every single morning (shakes my whole building!)
I usually wake up at 9am so you can imagine what my life’s been like ever since they started pile driving the beams.
Missionbayres – That’s the price you’re going to have to pay for another couple years. I’m actually considering moving down there, but probably in 2-3 years, when the area is all built up.
All those units on one tiny street (Berry).
They are not going to drive the piles for next 2-3 years. Aren’t they?
It’s definitely the the Arquitectonica design on the flyers (thanks Tom). Also advertised: 260 apartments, 17-story tower, 8-story mid-rise; fire pits, outdoor movie theater, bocce ball court; and coming Mid-2009.
Where will people (friends & family) be able to park in that area?? Parking spaces in that area are already scarce as it is, without the addition of Avalon and Arterra.
They could park at the UCSF garages. Or any of the other garages or parking lots still within a mile or so of the stadium. There’s tons of parking in the neighborhood, you just have to pay for it (market-price, gasp!)
Or they could take public transportation to your condo (gasp)! If they live in the city, they can take Muni rail. If not, they can take BART and connect with Muni or Caltrain. These will drop you off virtually at your front door. What a concept!
“Construction starts at 8am SHARP M-F.”
They start their day at 7:59, im not kidding.
I live in Edgewater and there is similar construction going on in the adjacent lot. What is interesting is that there is a back doorway in my building that is almost stuck shut; I thought someone might have damaged it while breaking in but when I asked the building engineer about it he told me that the construction/vibrations next door caused the frame to sink– yikes! Glad I didn’t buy yet. This makes me wonder if there are other cases like this out there.
I’m familiar with a legal case in the city where new construction caused an older existing property next door to sink about a foot and the whole building tilted. There are a lot of soft soil in the SOMA/Mission/Potrero areas, so this is something to look out for if you have new construction going on next to your property in softer soils. The idea is to document this BEFORE the construction starts with photos and perhaps level readings so you can show a before/after comparison, otherwise they can argue that the condition was always present and not caused by their construction. As for Mission Bay and even Rincon Hill, that is a huge downside for living in an area undergoing rapid development for some people – construction noise. Sure if you work on the same schedule as the construction (i.e. get up early and leave your house for work offsite) you’re not going to notice it as much, but if you have an alternative work schedule and/or work at home, it can be really maddening. You may be about right that 2-3 years will see substantial build out north of the canal in Mission Bay, but it’s going to be much longer than that south of the canal with all of the proposed residential and commercial development for that much larger section.
NOISY – who wants to live with the CalTrain noise at night? The cheap windows in the current Avalon buildings do not shield the residents from the noise pollution.
yes it is loud. i live in the tower and face caltrain. i wear earplugs to bed. the humming of the train is blocked, but not the pulsing sound. VERY annoying when one is trying to sleep. the sound is worse at night and more tolerable during the day.