And should the listing for 220 Danvers spark some divine design inspiration, keep in mind that 3726 Cesar Chavez remains on the market as well (286 days and counting).
UPDATE (9/7): Closed escrow on 8/08/07 for $2,050,000 (3.5% over asking).
∙ Listing: 220 Danvers (3/3) – $1,980,000 [MLS]
∙ A Divine Opportunity? [SocketSite]

3726 Cesar Chavez has serious structural issues requiring a lot of $ to repair (revealed in the disclosure package), and the current owners (i.e. the board of directors for the church) are not budging on the price or offering much in the way of repair credits. The result is anyone drawn in by the price quickly discovers that the final price will be much higher when the absolutely essential repairs are completed, plus they will not have the use of the property for quite a while after purchase. And that’s why it’s still on the market 286 days later.
that was fast! The estate sale was just a little over a week ago. I’d never seen so much prada and gucci in my life. I wasn’t interested in the clothes I just wanted to see the house.
Really interesting place. Originally a church..its last congregation was Sha’ar Zahav (sic?) the gay/lesbian synogogue, which left here to develop a new home in an old funeral home at 16th and Dolores. Then as you note it was renovated on This Old House. Most recently owned by a prominent doc who died suddenly.
I think it’s a great house for a single or couple, particularly if they entertain and don’t care about outdoor space. The living room/sanctuary is LARGE and full of light, the kitchen is also large, efficient, and casual….I could see spending many happy hours there. Bedrooms are kinda crammed in upstairs, but completely adequate.
[Editor’s Note: The next time a reader comes across an estate sale overflowing with Prada and Gucci, please feel free to drop us a line. And once again, kudos for the “open house” overview.]
“Dramatically reincarnated….”
Wow, a new one to remember. Keep’em coming Shakespeare.
Believe it or not it’s already sold! Great place to entertain and by the way great neighborhood.
220 Danvers closed escrow on 8/08/07 for $2,050,000 (3.5% over asking).
I ran into an old piece in Country Living magazine about this church from around 2003. Back then a creative consultant from the Gap and his wife had done a nice modern remodel. (Despite it’s title, Country Home can be very modern – honest!). I’m surprised it changed hands so quickly. They had really done a lot of work on it.