A plugged-in SocketSite reader reports: “Just stopped in at 130 Santa Ana…Very cool house, and like a mini-time capsule (and not in a bad way). According to the statement it was built in 1949 and is on the market for the first time. The owner was State Senator Gene McAteer (McAteer High School) and the architect was Angus McSweeney (he did St. Mary’s Cathedral on Gough).
It’s the first time on the market, and nothing has been updated. But this is one of those houses that is cooler to see because of that. I’m sure that whoever buys it will want to do lots of updating, although as a testament to good design as well as (apparently) meticulous upkeep, you could easily live in the house as it is.
Although it’s just a decorative feature, a highlight is the full wall-sized wallpaper map of the world that is in one of the upstairs bedrooms. It is so pristine that I had to ask if it was actually original to the house. It is, although the printing of the map definitely pre-dates the house as it still shows the “Japanese Empire”. It was worth the open house visit just to see the map (I like those things….).
Unfortunately the pictures on the listing website are largely terrible and for some inexplicable reason highlight the mediocre staging furniture rather than the bones of the house. [Editor’s Note: Additional photos on the MLS.]
Others might not share my view, but I found it really fun to see a bit of history and excellent design (to this amateur’s eye) in a house that hasn’t been subject to yet another cookie-cutter “tasteful” beige/granite/clad-window remodel….”
Did you see something this weekend that’s worth writing about (for one reason or another)? If so, drop us a note ([email protected]). And no, we don’t expect you to wax poetic about a property you’re seriously considering for yourself (and out apologies when we do).
∙ Listing: 130 Santa Ana Avenue (4/3.5) – $1,795,000 [Barbagelata] [MLS]

What a fun post. Keep up the good work, SocketSite.
[Editor’s Note: No need to thank us, our plugged-in reader deserves all the credit. (Okay, so we did add the photo.)]
Regarding the reference to St. Mary’s Cathedral, the design is really the result of a collaboration between: McSweeney, Italian-born Pietro Belluschi and Pier-Luigi Nervi. A quick online survey of each of these individual’s work reveals the real genius behind the design (and perhaps credit) goes to Nervi for his creative structures.