A tipster notes that 321 Langton #11 is back on the market with a new agent, yet another new price, and yet the same big purple wall.
Here’s a brief (and most likely incomplete) summary of the condo’s last two years: Condo is purchased for $625,000 in April ’05 and remodeled (enter the purple paint and stainless steel counters); about four months later the property is listed for $679,000 and then withdrawn; a few months later it’s relisted for $599,000, bumped back up to $679,000, and then reduced to $649,000; the listing is withdrawn and the condo shows up on craigslist for $599,000; we finally loose track of it last August after it goes into contract after being relisted for $679,000.
And now it’s back on the market for $669,000. And yes, that was the brief summary.
∙ Listing: 321 Langton #11 (1/2) – $669,000 [321langton.com] [MLS]
∙ Bait And Switch On MLS? [SocketSite]
∙ Opportunity, Funk, And The Color Purple [SocketSite]
∙ A Promotion (From Comment To Post) [SocketSite]
∙ Six Seventy-Nine Or Bust [SocketSite]

Did it fall out of contract or is it now being sold by the new owner?
That’s hilarious.
It look like the same owner. Most of the furniture is the same, except the pool table wasn’t there before, as I recall. I actually saw this one in person beccause the shenanigans made me curious.
PropertyShark shows the last sale was 4/22/2005, for $625,000
That’s not “purple,” that’s “Burgundy” or maybe “Zinfandel.” Very trendo to have a huge block of color.
PropertyShark says the initial $625K purchase price was cleverly financed with a $125K fixed and a $500K variable. Coinkadinkly, $669K-6% sales fees (assuming the canonical …) = $628,860 — oh so close to the original sales price and enough to pay off the loans. Maybe. …
The purple is gorgeous compared to the carpet! It’s actually not a bad unit….just needs someone who isn’t color blind.
The carpet feels like you’re walking on a wooly mammoth or something. Those stainless steel counters were probably trendy for about 20 seconds while the owner was choosing them, but long since tacky by the time they were installed. This place is tucked into an alley near 850 Bryant, just out of the shadow of the freeway. Not much in the neighborhood.
the question is: will this owner find a Greater Fool to unload this thing?
When I visited it several months ago, I asked the realtor about all the price fluctuations. She said that the price had been raised (again) because when listed at 599K, it had actually gotten an offer for that price… which was not to the owner’s liking. I guess the owner assumed it would be bid back up to the original asking or something? Foolish and annoying. Even if the unit didn’t suck, I wouldn’t want to play games with a “seller” like that.
Hey folks — I’m the new agent for 321 Langton, and appreciate the feedback (well, sorta).
All that I can say is I hope you can drop by our open house this Sunday from 2-4 and see the property for yourself. Most visitors have liked it for its space, the amount of light it gets, its floorplan, and its location in a quiet building. (Also, Trader Joes is just a block or two away.)
Re.color: I think a benefit of owning a loft is that the amount of space allows you more design choices than in a condo. You get more flexibility in what you can do with it. Change the carpet and paint and make it your own!
What kind of food are you serving at the open house? My friends and I only go if there’s really good food.
Too bad you weren’t at LAST WEEK’s open house then, anon — it was catered by Le Colonial with wine choices from Jardiniere, and a goodie bag STUFFED with expensive chocolates and some lovely items from Hermes. This week there won’t be any food. But I think there’s a McDonald’s down the street a bit. Bon appetit!
How do you expect to sell this place if there is no good food at the open house? Purple walls aren’t enough reason to buy a place at these prices in 2007.