Thanks to a “plugged in” tipster, we’ve got the scoop on tonight’s coming out soiree for the uberdecadent 2090 Vallejo Street. It’s expected to be one of the open houses of the year, and it’s most definitely by invitation only (but we do have photos and links for the masses).
Designed by Clarence Tantau for a local department store mogul (think City of Paris), the home boasts an “exquisite jewel-like interior including lavish wall panels, columns, extraordinary three-dimensional moldings, impressive Frescos and opulent 24-carat gildings.” And while mention of the 1,000 bottle wine cellar wasn’t too unexpected, the private “fur storage” did raise an eyebrow or two.
By the numbers: Six bedrooms, six full baths and two half baths, five fireplaces; three car side-by-side garage plus motor court for six cars; approximately 10,340 square feet as per appraiser; and asking $17,800,000. And forget the cake, should be delivering some guilt-free voyeuristic pleasure in the not too distant future.
UPDATE (2/16): Thanks to an insider we have the post-“soiree” scoop…lots of unused champagne glasses and uneaten strawberries (looks like the crowds never materialized); while not Georgian, the ornate common area décor and detailing were indeed fabulous (and cost three million dollars to renovate); and while the pentroom could definitely benefit from a major overhaul (and is much larger than it appears in the pictures), the faux balcony and views are breathtaking. (Oh, and that “fur storage?” Well, let’s just say it looked a whole lot like the wine cellar…)
∙ Listing: 2090 Vallejo (6/7) – $17,800,000 []

Darn! They had to sell this just when it became impossible to get a no doc loan!
I’d zero down this baby, close right after property tax payments were due, miss the first payment, go to the foreclosure auction 4 months later, bid on it myself, fail to show up with any funding, and live scott free for 8 months before they finally got me out of there.
And with all the parties I’d throw, the neighborhood would never be the same…
Trust me, on my deathbed, I’d never regret the trouble I got in, just to live here for 8 months!
Seems more Zsa Zsa Gabor than Marie Antionette.
[Editor’s Note: True, but we liked the alliteration with Vallejo (and couldn’t resist the subtle cake/masses references).]
Ugly. There have been many other 15MM+ houses on Socketsite that I would rather dream of putting my money in. Except for the bug rooms, the rest of the house looks boring and mundane.
Georgian exterior, french interior. I guess you could call it unique.
I wonder what the interior looked like before it was ruined? What a shame. This home’s only hope is some PetroPrince wants a San Francisco Pad.
What an incredible view, you can see from the San Andreas fault all the way over to the Hayward fault! Speaking of faults, whose fault is it that the realtors don’t clarify whether the building is an unreinforced masonry building or whether the bricks are just a veneer? Either way it’ll be an expensive job to pick up all the little pieces after a moderate earthquake.
This home was owned in the 80’s by Gary Raugh of San Francisco Restorations as his personal residence, one of the bigest speculators that got wiped out in the market downturn in ’89. You should see the Ferrari Red kitchen!
The exterior is beautiful. The interior, however, is just garish.
There are far too many uber-high end homes on the market right now that just aren’t selling. I’m afraid that this house too will linger on the market for ages. Still, Oliva Hsu Decker has moved some great properties. I seriously hope she can find a buyer for this unique house.
Even Miss Decker has her work cut out for her on this house. [Removed by Editor] The architect of this house was the father of the builders of the One Florence St. condominiums featured on this site a while back.
Sleepiguy is right about “too many uber-high end homes on the market”. This is not only in San Francisco, but in Southern California and the Palm Springs-Palm Desert area where I just stayed with clients who wanted to remodel or build new. In the Desert alone there are over 300 homes over 2 million that have been on the market at least 10 months. The Vintage Club (home of Bill Gates during the season in Indian Wells) has 36 homes, all priced around 5 million and above up to 22 million, that have been sitting for over one year. Three years ago they only had 5 listings. Things are slow even for the very wealthy.
Looks like “Trading Spaces” designer Hildi Santos Thomas on an unlimited budget.
Appropriately enough I’m currently reading the 3 musketeers. One look at the parlor stirs visions of Monsieur de Treville scampering to see Louis XIII.
May be garish, but honestly, how else could you decorate a place like this? Can’t picture this thing filled with stuff from LIMN.
Have been walking by this home for years. It is tastefully smashing. All who see it Love it! Look in the windows during dinners and parties and drool. The decorations at Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are festive and happy, and done for the neighborhood. Anyone who buys this house gets a jewel. It has passion and grace beyond what most of America offers.
[Editor’s Note: We must second the comment about the owners’ holiday decorations. They’re never garish, always festive, and guaranteed to warm the coldest soul.]
Wow! Went to the tour and my jaw dropped. This place is being undersold at $17M. Never saw such beauty. The floor plan is remarkable with large rooms and the ability for a family to live comfortably in the whole house, yet entertain in stateliness. The master interior designer, Eugene Anthony, was there with his hot friend who wears an eye patch. Mr. Anthony’s passion for the artists’ work in the dining room, foyer and living room was off the chart. Due to their lack of education, most of the brokers that attended would not have appreciated the dedication to detail that this home offers unless he guided them through a history course. Many of the home’s elements are exact replications from palaces in France and Italy — to obtain its magnificence of neo-classicism. Congratulations and good luck to the educated connoisseur-buyer Ms. Decker finds for the gracious family home. BEAUTIFUL BONES and SKIN.
Did you see the furs in the furry-wine cellar? Was that two golden sables? Oh, the room size; oh, the views: oh the perfection. Forget selling this mansion. I just want to spend the weekend in the most dazzling place I’ve ever cross the threshold into. Entertaining floor, kids floor, adult floor, media floor and a gift-wrapping room. Boo Hoo all the neigh Sayers. They’re jealous. Was I wrong, or did more male brokers show-up than female brokers? And, everyone was so serious. Even the revered Ms. Decker couldn’t give away the champagne. Is this business getting too staid, or does everyone have a potential buyer?
Ok well, I went to the open house. Um this comments are all not true to what I saw and heard from other realtors. They were very dissapointed. House looks beutiful outside, from inside I wouldn’t let my maid leave in it. It is just so horrible. It would be like living in a big cake all the time…. And cake makes my stomach upset.
This is all I have to say and many many realtors think the same. They were all laughing about it. It was just not real~ OMG
To George: I was there too with many of my compatriots. No one was laughing – especially since we continually sell $10MM homes. They were mostly hoping that this home could change a very boring SF market by bring it in line with Manhattan, London, Paris, Rome, etc. All who have treasures like 2090 Vallejo. And thanks to the family for always planting flowers and decorating each holiday. Nice folks. The city is very appreciative.
Simply exquisite. Sumptuously finished. Real fun playroom, colorful and great views. To see it in person is to appreciate it. Done in the finest of taste. PS. If you like the flowers leading to the front door, you should see the inside bouquets.
Enough on this house already. It is one of my favorite homes in the City. Hands down. Cake included. A happy house. I hope the new owners love it and care for it as much as the current owners. May SF massive-mansions all learn from the grace of Versailles on Vallejo. Thanks for the post and poo on the envious.
In a moment I can see Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi entertaining us so regally in 2090. Ann Getty, Richard Goldman, please buy this for the Clinton’s so we can enjoy the fundraisers. $17M and it can be enjoyed by all of us Democrats. PLEASE….? La Petite Trianon has nothing compared to the grace and charm and elegance of Vallejo. PLEASE?
Either quite a few of designteam’s “compatriots” are commenting on Socketsite today, or numerous alter egos are out in full force.
Great bones indeed, but unlike La Petite Trianon the interior design is disjointed at best. No problem at $10M where designteam’s compatriots “continually” sell homes, but at $17M it’s going to be a tough sell. At least the neighborhood will benefit from many more of those spectacularly decorated holidays.
“In a moment I can see Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi entertaining us so regally in 2090. Ann Getty, Richard Goldman, please buy this for the Clinton’s so we can enjoy the fundraisers”
I may be a little bit slow, but is this all some kind of joke?!? It may have a fur room but this is not 1782, and we are not in Paris (and if we were, we would find that people there no longer want to live like this).
Unless they grew up in the Central Valley and marry a Getty, the very rich do not want to live like pretend Royalty. BTW, If Ann Getty, Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are alive in 2090, I’ll have whatever it is they are drinking please.
[Editor’s Note: We missed it at first as well, but we’re guessing “2090” refers to the address (2090 Vallejo) and not the year.]
Give it a break. The home is beautiful at any price. It is a sf golden girl. Meant to live in. I hear someone is dying to be entertained there. [Removed by Editor]
I think it is gaudy. Hands down. It may be ornate and golden but it is not elegant. It seems like new money trying to act like they live in Versailles.
This is back (not that it ever really went away) with a new realtor for 10.9. It cracks me up that someone convinced the owner to paint over all the gilt crap..