Inlaid hardwood floor have never been our thing, but if they’re yours, you might want to take a peek at 207 Clipper. Plus, nice curb appeal and location for just under $777,778…
∙ Listing: 207 Clipper (2/1) – $777,777 [MLS]

San Francisco real estate tips, trends and the local scoop: "Plug In" to SocketSite™
Inlaid hardwood floor have never been our thing, but if they’re yours, you might want to take a peek at 207 Clipper. Plus, nice curb appeal and location for just under $777,778…
∙ Listing: 207 Clipper (2/1) – $777,777 [MLS]
“Inlaid hardwood floor have never been our thing”
While these floors are indeed overdone, how can “Inlaid hardwood floor have never been our thing”?
Inlaid floors are an exquisite counterpoint to many spaces, albeit easily overdone. Look @ renovated modernist flats of A’dam, Paris, Berlin and on & on. They all have a gorgeous subtle line of inlaid.
Is everything now reduced only to ‘staged-brown-stained’ floors?
Oh California!
Thanks anon at 9:59am for venting about a real problem with San Francisco staged homes at the moment. A lot of what is currently being presented as up to date design (especially regarding kitchens and baths) is actually very 1992. The brown-stained floor , bath that looks like a hospital bathroom, kitchen that looks like a computer lab is oh so tired and already over in most other cities. I love the TeNeues Design books series on city apartments. Check out the N.Y. and Berlin editions, and then look at the San Francisco edition. Why is everyone here doing the same thing while in most other cities owners apartments have unique individual identities? Could it be because over there they are homes , while here they are short term investments made to sell with the popular design signature of the moment?
These floors are waaaaay to much but the house is cute.
Are we getting crabby as a City? What happened to loving orginality/personality? Get a life critics. For 777,777 this has at least some craftsmanship. Even if it is not your taste, it has personality and charm. Maybe even warmth.\P\ I love the TeNeues design book too.
The 777 sticker is a joke- the house is very underpriced to attract a swarm of buyers who will overbid….in the current market this pricing strategy is just not the norm
just toured it today. It’s not a bargain at the list price, but it has potential. The back room, which adds significantly to the sq ft total, has a sagging ceiling. That indicates taht the roof on that section needs replacing. It’s a fixer for certain. However, maybe moving walls and tearing up linoleum floorsin one bedroom will be a good project for someone.
Saw it as well and I’d have to agree with anon 4:34, it’s a total fixer in need of a down to the studs remodel and renovation.
Great little block, nice curb appeal, and potential, but not a bargain at $777K. I’m thinking a fair budget for a complete overhaul would be $200-300K.
I lived on the 400 block of Clipper for three years before moving to another part of the city. It’s a tough block to live on because it is used as a thoroughfare between Portola/Market and Noe Valley, The Mission and the Valencia Corridor. Secondly, I would anticipate spending 400-800K on this opportunity given the breadth and scope of the renovation. Perhaps a generic Home Depotesque remodel could be had for about $375k, but you never know what you’re going to run into once you begin moving walls.