With the National Park Service having expressed their serious concerns about George Lucas’ proposed Cultural Arts Museum and strongly recommending that the Presidio Trust defer any decisions with respect to redeveloping the Presidio’s former Commissary and current Sports Basement site for several years, the Presidio Trust Board of Directors meeting to review the revised proposals for the Mid-Crissy Field site ought to be a lively affair.
The public meeting and presentation has been scheduled for January 27, 2014 at 6:30 pm.

I encourage everyone with a dog in this fight (which these days thanks to the enviro-fascists is pretty much everyone who owns a dog — which is pretty much everyone) to look closely at this image.
The site in question has its back to what is essentially a freeway.
So whatever gets built there has the primary purpose of extending the smallish ground cover that connects the north side to the south side across the GGB approach.
How cool would it be if George Lucas had the imagination (lord knows he has the money) and the Presidio Trust codgers had the taste (lord knows they don’t — they tossed our opportunity for a Guggenheim over to a fire station at 3rd & Howard) to design something with a great modernist that would extend the land bridge laterally along and across the roadways.
Imagination defeats dullards every time. Even in this sold out old painted lady of a town.
Moving the Fisher art collection to 3rd and Howard was a brilliant move. It’s close to hotels, transportation and infrastructure. The Presidio has none of those.
My preference would be for the old commissary to be torn down and replaced with a great lawn.
Yes, a great lawn to go with the great lawn of the Main Post, and the great lawn of Chrissy Field. You can never have too many great lawns.
Yes to the Great Lawn idea!!!!!!!!!
I would love a land bridge across the freeway. A lawn would be costly and not cost effective. There is enough of a lawn on the other side of the street. I endorse the Lucas plan. It would make the best use of the property.