Having survived an interesting appeal, permits to demolish the existing four-story building at 350 Mission and construct a 350 foot tower in its place have been pulled which is the opposite of withdrawn in construction speak.
∙ 350 Feet At 350 Mission (And San Francisco’s Planning Commission) [SocketSite]
∙ EIR Today, Heald Gone Tomorrow At 350 Mission As Proposed [SocketSite]
∙ More Than Meets The Eye Behind The Opposition To 350 Mission? [SocketSite]
∙ GLL getting closer to construction at 350 Mission in San Francisco [Business Times]

Glad to hear it’s moving forward. Although we can only see the first few floors I think it looks nice, I especially love those open base towers.
Anyone have an estimate of when demolition might commence? Or does that depend on further hearings, etc. and future demand for space?
I think you mean its the opposite of yanked..
The big guy on the corner sure is sedentary
Great Project.
Onward & Upward!
Love how the height of the atrium is the same as the old building, as if to say “there used to be something here”
I can’t wait to see this building when completed! The rendering is just gorg.
How are there no comments about bird strikes yet?
Glad this is being built. Now if there were only a few more towers that were being built…
Those rendering photos have appeared so many times that I’ll forever think of this place as The Chubby Dude Building.