Patrick Blanc’s living wall has yet to fully fill out.
And only the first of its many blooms have bloomed like little fireworks in the air.
But we’re going to go out on a limb, or perhaps a stem, and call the Drew School expansion one of the best new additions to San Francisco’s architectural repertoire.
UPDATE: As the site looked before the addition:
∙ Drew School Living Wall Mapped And Planted By Patrick Blanc [SocketSite]
∙ Destruction Before Construction: Drew School Expansion [SocketSite]
∙ Drew School Expansion Plans Pass Their Appeals Test(s) [SocketSite]
∙ Drawings For A Proposed Drew School Expansion Along Broderick [SocketSite]
∙ The Drew School Addition Rendering Scoop: Its Living Wall And All [SocketSite]
∙ Patrick Blanc “Living Wall” Testimonial And Broderick Street Blueprint [SocketSite]

Who knew this curious house on 17th St and Sanchez which I happened to pass tonite — was ahead of their times?
I wish they would have done this on the California st. side so people could actually see it.
Detoured to see it on my way to the Fillmore jazz fest, what a great building. Why don’t we have more modern buildings like this in San Francisco?
Wow, I love it!:)
I lived in the old building back in the 90’s, and I’m sorry to see it gone. But this is a worthy replacement, and it looks great.
For once SF gives us a building worthy of the one it tore out.