The ground was officially broken for the Mary Helen Rogers Senior Community on Valentine’s Day, and the surface area parking lot on which the eight-story building will rise at 701 Golden Gate is nearly cleared.
As plugged-in people know, the community will provide 100 apartments for low-income seniors and construction is slated to last for 20 months with an opening in 2013.
∙ From Parking Lot To 100 Affordable Senior Apartments When Resolved [SocketSite]
∙ Mary Helen Rogers Senior Community []

This may be the initial rendering, but yes, this is REALLY BAD design. It’s about as bland and cheap looking and repetitious as it gets.
HKIT Architects are capable of delivering much better and I really hope they do.
Agreed. It seems this is the default rendering used for many similar sized structures around town – just swap in a different photo background.
EIGHT stories? Oh the inhumanity of it all
Will we ever supply all the affordable housing for all the demographics of need? Never…but the progs will try.
when we build crap like this it’s really no wonder why people hate most new development
Will we ever supply all the luxury and ultra luxury housing to fulfill the demands of the members of the overclass with so much money they don’t know what to spend it on and so must buy multiple properties that sit, empty? Never…but the “free market” will try.
Will we ever supply the affordable housing that low-income seniors need in a city that is increasingly an adult disneyland for the rich? Never…so the solution is the algae tanks of the Soylent Corporation, where such seniors can meet with the end that the invisible hand of the free market has in its infinite wisdom created for them.
Uhm, good luck crosing franklin or gough grandma.
It doesn’t seem to be an issue for the crackheads and tweakers. I’m sure grandma will be able to manage.
Are there no more inspired architects and builders left in this city?
Tell everybody how the whole process went down, Kathleen, start to finish. Then we’ll evaluate inspiration levels.
The primary constraint on this project was almost certainly available funding and hence the total budget, and that tends to have a direct effect on the easily-detectable-by-the-layperson level of architectural inspiration in the finished product.
That design is really, really bland and gross. Not someplace I’d want to spend my golden years. Would it really kill anyone to come up with a beautiful environment for people who really need it? I live not too far from the Notre Dame apartments for seniors on Broadway, and they’re really lovely. This place should imitate them.
Also, Golden Gate & Franklin? Not the nicest after dark.
Uhm, good luck crosing franklin or gough grandma.
I often wonder who decides which intersections get count-down lights for peds.
You’d think they’d start with the busy streets, but no…s
Low budget does not have to translate into dull.
Low budget means more creativity is required.
I don’t know anything about design + build 4 large buildings, but I feel like the landscape in this town is becoming soviet-ized. Big ugly blocks plopped down, with no giant walking behind ready to scoop it up and haul it away. I will just sit there and fester years after it is built, detracting from the landscape.
This rendering looks like a cardiac hospital in
the Ukraine.
It’s cool because it has a slant to the roof.