While Martin Building moves forward with the redevelopment of 178 Townsend into 94 rental units over commercial, West Bay Builders President Paul Thompson’s plan to move forward with the 74-unit redevelopment of 72 Townsend is on hold for at least five years as Federated Media has leased the building instead. As 178 Townsend should look after:
∙ 178 Townsend Funded While 72 Townsend Vows To Move Forward [SocketSite]
∙ 178 Townsend Approved To Become Mixed-Use With 94 Rentals [SocketSite]
∙ 72 Townsend: So Close, But Yet So Far For 74 Approved Units [SocketSite]

kinda weird. i’m a huge fan of ugly pomo architecture, but i’m not sure i like. of course, it might help if they rendered it in something newer than 3D Home Architect for Windows 95.
its was done on revit chief
wow, it’s definitely weird looking, but it’s kind of beautiful. can’t wait to see if they pull it off.
Ugly. Why is the building set back so far from the facade? Definitely seems strange.
That sure looks ugly and it’s worse then the Ritz-Carlton old and new building.
snark17: i bet there’s going to be a deck or starbucks or whatever.
No final verdict until complete, but right now my favorite project in the city… I was hoping it would stay condos – I would have liked to buy one.
But you know what they say about opinions, and this is only mine. We’ll see how it looks when done.
used to be able to watch this construction from my office.
I hate this project with a passion. Just what SOMA needs…more condos.
I liked the use as a parking lot MUCH better.