While we have the before (above) and after (below) photos for 3855 Washington…
…as promised, the offering now features a few interior shots and a website as well.
∙ Listing: 3855 Washington (6/6.5) – $8,000,000 [3855washington.com] [MLS]
∙ 3855 Washington Joins The Recently Renovated “Heights” Fray [SocketSite]

Wow, big improvement. Love the new facade, and the interior looks nice too. But who’s buying all these multi-million dollar houses? especially in this economy?
IMHO, “before” was much, much better. It was more properly scaled with respect to its neighbors, and didn’t have the stupid-looking and vulgar faux French chateau mansard roof.
Who’s buying? Um, no one!
This project has been in the works since 2007. It does look quite nice and nothing seems to have been done on the cheap based solely on the pictures (but who knows!). I still think the 8 million price tag though was set to be marked down. The purchase price seems to be in the mid/high 2s back in 99 and I really don’t think it cost 5 million to build it. A more realistic selling price would be in the 5.5-6.5 range. That said, that house on Locust did sell earlier this year in the 7s was it? Still, this house also suffers from the bane of most south side D7 homes – many, many stairs to the front door.
I kind of agree with Mark.. As I said before, I have a slight problem with the roof line. It’s a little – cheesy and not proportional to the windows… or something…
Yes, a little too faux French for my taste too.
But the mansard roof does provide a “pent level.” And it works, in a way. It is definitely less massive than a conventional third story would have been. The interior is nice and bright with some well composed spaces. On the whole it looks well done. Wish they had floor plans on the web site.
$8M? Don’t think so.
It looks like they transported a shop straight out of the Grove in LA – or disneyland.
Is there a trinket shop on the first floor?
Old facade: nice, slightly faded.
New facade: nice, slightly pretentious.
This seems like a relic from the pre-recession days.
That garage just kills any curb appeal. It would have been nice if they could have somehow sunk parking below in a lower level.
$8M for a large, newly remodeled Presidio Heights home on a class A block of Washington is still quite a realistic price. Even more so when compared to other things on the market right now.
I think think they’ve done a hell of a job (and definitely prefer to new facade and proportions), but it’s going to be hard to get their price with no views, and on that block. It’s one of the worst blocks of the posh stretch of Washington, and while there are nice houses on the north side of the street, the south side is a real mess.
The interiors appear to be very well planned out and would work extremely well for a family with several kids. From the few photos provided, the space seems unusually “liveable” for a house of this size. Also, good south facing yard. Will be very interesting to see what it goes for.
It’s OK with the faux French roof. But I love the kitchen eating area access to the garden!
The. Prefer THE new facade and proportions. Grrr.
Looks good to me. I think 8 is an OK starting price. There are buyers out there and it’s wise to fish out for them. Someone could fall in love here, but I’d say this is 900-950 psf quality. Since I don’t have sqft, I’d have to estimate this at close to $7m. I’ll go on record as $6.85 as the sale price. This would put the home at around 7500 sqft by my guestimation. It doesn’t feel that big from the pics. Feels more like 6000 sqft. So my range is $5.7 to $6.85. I like my psf price more than my sale price estimates.
If you look at the ‘before’ picture, you will note that both neighboring houses are painted pink/beige. Now, both are grey. Only the new house is pink/beige. Odd coincidence.
A lot of renovations attempt “elegant”. This one achieves it in spades.
Salarywoman… you were looking for floor plans. They are there.
Although I don’t think the new facade is necessarily an architectural masterpiece, I’m absolutely shocked that anyone would express a preference for the hideous before facade, faux shutters and all.
Sad, more faux history — once again someone in SF spends a bundle on making architecture pretend to be old. This is more like interior decorating (unfortunately) happening on the exterior…
Thanks for the floor plan link – so…. where’s the elevator? That price, that neighborhood, that depth of renovation – the kitchen two floors above the garage… where’s the elevator?
In Escrow. Someone fell in love.
NO Elevator????
Wasn’t this house started over 2 and a half years ago?
I thought there were lots of problems with it.
Didn’t someone die during the renovation in the house?
Looks like it is Active again
I saw that too. I was a little shocked to see it go into contract so quick.
Back in contract?
The sale of 3855 Washington closed escrow on 11/25/09 with what appears to be a confidential contract price.
If you were impressed with the architecture and/or the ability of this project to fetch top-dollar in this market, get in touch with the architect, Geoff Gibson, Winder Gibson Architects. [email protected]. We work on residential and commercial projects of all sizes, from kitchen remodels up to additions and new homes.
PropertyShark is showing a recorded sale price of $8.1M
Is this back on the market??
Wouldn’t surprise me as I’m not sure this was ever moved into; but they did a lot of things to this home; including changing the exterior color, which I like a lot more now.
Yup, now on for 8.9
Look Ma, No View! I’d love to see this place sell for $8.9 and maybe it will. 8.1 was a stretch. The T/H crew are listing this one so who knows as they’ve had the midas touch it seems here so best of luck. Not sure this qualifies for apple status as there have been a few upgrades here; but all changes seem to be sort of minor paint and design; more than structure and architecture.