It’s a plugged-in reader that points it out (we even stole his headline). And while we don’t really have a story, it’s hard to believe there isn’t one behind the before (above) and after (below) for number 23 in the rather conservative enclave of Presidio Terrace.
It’s time to spill it if you know the story. Oh, and on the market and asking $8,900,000.
∙ Listing: 23 Presidio Terrace (10/4) – $8,900,000 [MLS]
∙ Tainted Love Of Presidio Terrace [SocketSite]

WEll at least the hideous vinyl windows are hidden by the painted-white molding…
I hope it looked better on the chip.
I know nothing about this house other than it backs up to the dead end of 2nd. Ave, which is basically a big alley. Personally, I find very little appealing about Presidio Terrace. The security guard simply isn’t enough to make me want to live here. Anyway, this place needs to cut its price about 50% before it has any hope of selling.
I’d have to be boring to live in Presidio Terrace. No thanks.
Nothing like a little lipstick on a pig to pretty her up.
Maybe the owner made her fortune selling Mary Kay ™ products.
I lived across the street from this house and am glad I no longer do… this paint job stands out in a bad way! I am surprised it was even allowed by the association.
Was it Rick James who said “cocaine is a very powerful drug”?
I like how there is a master bath, two half baths, and then 2 more full bathrooms shared by 9 bedrooms. Should make for some fun times.
$8.9M listing and the broker put one photo in, twice. He definitely earned his keep! Way to go CB. The whole RE community needs to do a spring cleaning to get rid of useless brokers.
And as far as Presidio Terrace being boring.. it may be, but it’s still a million times better than some other neighborhoods. I’d personally rather live in Presidio Heights a block away.
did you mean “prettier in pink” perchance?
Little pink houses, for you and me.
Why do the yards in SF, front and back, look like crap? Millions for a house, and yards with no pride in ownership.
What’s so crap about that yard to you?
I think Presidio Terrace is beautiful, with a bunch of architecturally interesting homes all right next to each other. I often take out of town visitors around the loop. Yes, I know I am officially trespassing, but no one has ever said anything. I have never seen the security guard.
Having said that, it sure would seem like you would be living in a fishbowl if you lived there. Everyone can see what everyone else is doing there, so you better not care much for your privacy. At those price ranges, you would expect a bit more space or something.
I really don’t know why people would want to live there. Maybe because they want to tell people they live next to Diane Feinstein? Securities people are only around at night time (or day time too when DF is in town). I guess if you want a flat yard and a neighborhoodish feel, PT is it. I much prefer to live on Washington in Presidio Heights where you get a view of Golden Gate Bridge. The house is priced about right if were are in 2006. Perhaps District 7 prices have not fallen as much as say Bayshore…..?
Jaja wrote:
> Securities people are only around at night time
> (or day time too when DF is in town).
Has anyone heard what DF is doing with her house at 30 Presidio Terrace (That if I remember correctly she moved in to while she was Mayor) after buying (and renovating) 2460 Lyon Street (a home that was owned by George Lucas and was also a UHS Decorator Showhouse) more than three years ago?
I think she gave the home in PT to her daughter… At least that’s what I’ve heard. She still lives on the Lyon St. steps.
Her daughter and son-in-law sold their very nice large, late Victorian house on the south side of Broadway, west of Gough, for over $3. The new owners did not think it was nice enough, and remodeled part of it. It was a house in extraordinarily good taste, with most of the original wood and spaces preserved, and beautifully, appropriately decorated. A real SF house owned by a real SF couple. Stagers and brokers should take lessons from Katherine.
6000 sqft! 10 bedrooms! Is this some kind of flophouse in an exclusive neighborhood?
Or, is that all that is in there. A house of bedrooms….interesting concept.
What a silly comment, el aguila. It depends how you count bedrooms. The top floor probably has four or five of them, all relatively small, with some affected by the eaves, the slope of the roof. This is just a big house, of which there are many this size and type in PresTer, PresHts, PacHts.
I wonder if some of those bedrooms are for staff… If you’re paying that much, you probably want somebody there to have breakfast on the table for you in the morning you know.
I know that was at least semi-flip, joe shmoe, but seriously — if I was in the ~ 10M price range, I’d happily take a ~ 9.5M home plus live-in chef over a ~10M & change home without. Or, more likely, the difference would mean little to me and I’d go for the chef on top of whatever I bought. Point is, $30-100k/year plus part of your abundant room & board is pocket change compared to that purchase price.
With our work schedule I’d love to have a personal chef rather than billing clients for crappy office delivery/ordering crappy delivery at home/eating whatever we have that can be prepared in 15 minutes or less.
Only semi-flip, shza. I agree with you and would probably opt for even less house to save more money for services like a cook (I don’t need culinary academy trained, somebody who does home cooking really well would be just fine), a reliable house cleaner, and a driver– that would remove most of the hassle from life. I feel really sorry for people who spend all their money on 5000+sq/ft and then realize they are going to have to clean the whole place themselves because they can’t afford a house cleaner– you could spend every weekend cleaning the house and still have dust bunnies!
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the rooms under the eaves were considered servants’ quarters in large houses like this.
Geez Conifer, I guess you can count closets and hallways as rooms also. Looks to me they are counting attic space to get the 6000 number.
Yes, they technically are bedrooms….for the live in help. Place probably has 4-5 decent sized bedrooms.
Hopefully, you were amused.
I am sorry, but as they say in the world of physics, that color is not even wrong…
I love this quote from the listing, “House can be lived in as is or can be improved & be spectacular.”
Presidio Terrace is tremendously over-rated as a neighborhood. Check out a Google maps view of this property. Or most any property. There are about 5 truly nice lots, and the rest is fish-bowl. Ugh. Why are people so gullible?
And no DiFi hasn’t lived there for more than 2 years…could commenters please INFORM themselves before they post? I think blogs should require true names/identity of posters so we could all know who is so d-u-m.
So Bob, what is your name and identity?
Not such a fan of that color! The neighborhood is one of the few suburbanish areas in the city, though. If you have kids or plan to, this is an area you will feel like they can run into the street and not get killed.
We looked for years to find a nice home we could afford in that area. Would love to see inside.
What about the pink house on Market Street…
I used to live nearby. We don’t know the story of the paint. If I remember correctly, the house used to be in between coral or salmon, which would match the Spanish style roof. So maybe the paint chips were hard to gauge and the color is a mistake. Another possibility is that the owners are from Miami where pink is more common than brown.
This house is like an Aston Martin. Some will say it’s great. Others will say that it’s not as good as a Ferrari. Still others will say that a Hyundai gets you there and anything else is a waste. The house I like is not on the market.