The marketing statement: “This home is a rarely available example of the very best in modern architecture. The facade is elegant.”
The sound (or lack thereof): our tongues being bit. Hard.
∙ Listing: 156 12th Avenue (3/3) – $1,599,000 [MLS]

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The marketing statement: “This home is a rarely available example of the very best in modern architecture. The facade is elegant.”
The sound (or lack thereof): our tongues being bit. Hard.
∙ Listing: 156 12th Avenue (3/3) – $1,599,000 [MLS]
there goes my lunch…
I am quite familiar with this designer – Anthony from New Jersey.
I guess the design police can charge said owner with a DUC- designing under (the influence) of [Removed by Editor]. Nevermind that painful facade, the builder went apesh!t with the granite in the kitchen, fireplace mantle…and I never got to the bathroom pics. A DUC is warrented here.
what do you called this bastardization, barrel front marina mated with an edwardian?
Richmond Regency.
We, and I, often knock people from different cultures when they make a hopeless muddle, like this one, by mixing various western architectural traditions.
But then, how many of us who can ace an exam on 20th century architecture have some asian bits of interior decor in our lives that we actually know nothing about?
The only thing this place lacks are some solar panels & a water heater bolted to the facade….
Wow. Reel in the ethnic slurs already.
Does anyone else find the marble + stone bathrooms to be as hideous as I do?
Not appropriate to incorporate ethnic slurs when commenting on the design of this house.
The architect isn’t Asian, but the poor fellow is cross-eyed, dating back to a childhood fall.
I like the door diversity…
it would be dumb to buy this when you can get something 1/3 of the size in SOMA for the same price
It is a beautiful home but must admit i’m surprised by the price as it seems low for the size and location – or times truly are just that bad.
OK, of all SS readers, I am not going to let this one go unpunished: see the bidet in the bathroom? that’s been put there just for show. No-one in his/her right mind would put the bidet across the toilet. Can you imagine? doing a pirouette with your pants down to your ankles. Clueless remodel.
LOL. Are you the bidet police, asiago?
Wasn’t it you that went after the place on Bay Street for lack of a bidet?
I LOVE the agent’s description that this house is “close to…Union and Chestnut Street”
Uh huh. It’s in the Richmond. So now that every photo has been stretched and Photoshopped by every agent in town, the agents are now moving on, to the MAP part of the listing, in an attempt to distort that too.
toosay- that’s what i thought too until realizing that it’s 1 unit in a 2 unit building
seems low for the size and location – or times truly are just that bad.
actually if it sells anywhere around the asking price it will be one of the highest priced condo sales ever in the area. if anything it is priced too high. hence my point about SOMA prices being ridiculous in comparison.
Design commentary aside (there’s some pretty awful Richmond specials in that neighborhood anyway), that price seems really high for a condo, even if it is in a nice part of the Richmond. It never ceases to amaze me how much people think they can get for “Lake Street.”
“No-one in his/her right mind would put the bidet across the toilet. Can you imagine? doing a pirouette with your pants down to your ankles. Clueless remodel.”
Oh, I don’t know. They did put them both behind a pocket door so could close it and no one could watch your movements, ballet and otherwise.
BobN, it’s not for privacy that the bidet is always located right next to the toilet. It’s for sake of logistics, if you will: you do your things, then a swift scoot will position you for the rear ablutions. No walking half-way across the room with all things dangling. Capish?
and yes, I am the self-appointed bidet police!
Asiago, where do you stand on Toto washlets?
I tried a Toto washlet when visiting a relative in Tokyo. I am “old school” so I’d rather have the bidet instead. The washlet is cool but once the novelty is over, its only real advantage is the space saving. I would only consider it if there was no physical space to install a bidet.
The water spray with warm air flow with music is more sizzle than substance and doesn’t do much for me.
Besides, a separate bidet serves a number of other purposes than just washing your undercarriage.
Besides, a separate bidet serves a number of other purposes than just washing your undercarriage.
Ummm… no.
It really, really doesn’t.
Somewhere in San Francisco this house is being saluted for its sensitive design and detailing.
^ whadd’ya mean? Could be handy for brushing ones teeth while wifey hogs the sink. Squirts rather high, don’t it?
Debtpocalypse, it does. You should have grown up with one, then you’d know 🙂
For example: pull up a stool, fill up the bidet with warm water, and stick your feet in it. Et voila’, you get what the Italians call “pediluvio”. Nothing more relaxing after a long day.
The design brains, or lack thereof, should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity for this abomination.
pull up a stool?
as in: sit on the stool and stick your feet in the bidet
OK, unfortunate choice of words given the context
I admit, I find it ugly too, but my real concern is did the neighbors APPROVE??? 😉
I didn’t love the house but, I love reading the comments just to see how you [Removed by Editor] will rip apart everything. I only hope you homes can stand up to this review if it ever gets put up here. Keep up the good work it gives me and my friend something to laugh about at Mah Jong.
Asiago, remind me never to let you use my bidet (whenever I finally have bathroom large enough to install one), or let you wear my slippers for that matter. 😛
And I dunno, I think washlets are kind of awesome looking – I want one but I am afraid the kids will break it. 🙁
Looks like a C#!n&$e flip.
Hey, if it’s okay to call it a design by “Anthony from New Jersey” then it should be okay to say that it looks like a, and I’ve been in many, especially in the Richmond, Chinese flip.
There. I said it. Sick the PC police on me. But I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with the comment. Do all immigrants have bad taste? Well, do all East Coast Italians?
Lighten up.
lol@this thread. some classic lines here.
I [heart] “Anthony from New Jersey” and “it would be dumb to buy this when you can get something 1/3 of the size in SOMA for the same price.”
Well done. As for the unit? Meh. The garage door rulez tho.
Sunset Guy, “I only hope you homes can stand up to this review if it ever gets put up here. Keep up the good work it gives me and my friend something to laugh about at Mah Jong.”
My house would be ripped to shreds by everyone on here. 🙂 Can I be the first to go (post my house on here for comment)? Choose me! Choose me! Pleeeeease! 🙂
But I do agree with you… it’s easier to rip apart someone else’s house than one’s own. But then again we’re generally not selling our homes. Good point, thanks and enjoy Mah Jong!
I don’t get it. Where did this (alleged) ethnic slur come from? I don’t even see anything that suggests Chinese in this property. Is there a general contempt for Chinese in RE market in SF? Inquiring mind, and a new SF transplant, wants to know.
“Fab loc close to Mountain Lake Park, Union and Chestnut Street urban amenities.”
just a short walk away!
I could have gone all day without dragging ethnicity into this. But, before I got to that the comments about the facade and bidet had me laughing untill I cried. Seriously – “did the neighbors approve?…” somdbody needs to put this $h!t in a book.
hmmm … t could use some fur on the outside.
@ asiagoSF For being the Bidet Police you certainly are unaware that a great many people use a Bidet facing the controls… so they can adjust the water temp.
How is it possible that no one has mentioned the opening lines of the description:
“This home is a rarely available example of the very best in modern architecture. The facade is elegant.”
By the way- the newish robo-toilets in Japan sense you have approached and open their lid to greet you…Not a quick flip open, but the most slow and leisurely motion so as not to upset you. I am pretty sure I have heard one or two murmur “Welcome Master” as well.
I am pretty sure this architectural style is called Fusion.
156 12th Avenue is back on the market asking $1,499,000 (a $100,000 reduction) and with an official one day on the market.
Its not too late to acquire your very own SF Colonial CraftsMarinaDwardyVictorian.
The owner would be wise to collaborate with Home Depot. This one house showcases the entire HD prefab catalog.