Less than 24 hours after we broke the news of Riverstone Residential’s involvement with Argenta (1 Polk), a plugged-in tipster (quite literally) catches a craigslist ad asking $2,250 for a one-bedroom ($3,800 for a two).
Keep in mind that we’ve heard some pretty good things about the quality of the finishes (think Poggenpohl) and that some units have surprisingly good views. No comment on the new website and rather ironic moniker: “Argenta Silver Lining.”
∙ The Argenta (1 Polk) Scoop Redux: Riverstone Residential To Manage [SocketSite]
∙ $2250 / 1br – BRAND NEW LUXURY HIGH RISE LIVING [Craigslist]
∙ $3800 / 2br – BRAND NEW High Rise Living – Argenta!! [Craigslist]
∙ Argenta Silver Lining [argenta-sf.com]

Luxury Here, Luxury There, Luxury Everywhere, Luxury Luxury Luxury!!! (They must have granite counter tops)
$3800/month for a 950 square foot rental unit in a questionable neighborhood?? I expect those rental rates will adjust downward as the new owners come to grips with reality.
What’s the matter with granite? What says luxury to you more? What would you rather have as a countertop?
Solid gold with a CVD diamond veneer.
Luxury in this neighborhood would mean triple paned windows to block out the noise. As far as the rents advertised on craigslist, that’s way too high for this neighborhood.
Yep, they’ll come to their senses after a few months.
$4 per square foot? Guess again.
the term luxury truly lost its meaning to me when Cubix advertised them as such.
does the word “Argenta” have any relation to “silver”, seeing as how Ag is the symbol for silver.
@ condoshopper – The latin word for silver was “argentum”; Italian is “argento” and French “argent” – I bet some other languages descended from Latin use the same root too.
On the granite countertops point, the problem is they are just plain hideous. When I walk into a kitchen that has them I feel like I’m in the bathroom of a mid-level chain hotel like a Hyatt. Granite is “luxury” in the sense that middle America thinks Las Vegas is “luxury,” and granite countertops became popular for the same reason. I am not a big fan of genuine luxury as it’s way overrated and overpriced, but faux luxury makes me gag.
LMRim: i see. i should have recalled the word argent meaning money in french too.
As an architect I very much like Trip’s characterization of luxury. To me genuine luxury is more about function than finish. Unlike Trip, though, I am a big fan of it.
But what then would you like to see in a kitchen? Because, I agree granite slab in not luxurious but it is very functional (and not always hideous).
I think it means you get the luxury of trying to keep their stainless steel appliances clean and shiny.
These prices do not seem that out of line to me. Rather I think the one bedrooms are priced very aggressively.
I looked at this when it was ‘For Sale’ the finishes are very nice, nicer than the Hayes, Arterra, + Symphony Towers. And Hardwood floors were standard and real not manufactured vs. this ‘upgrade’ crap. In addtion the units were spacious. I liked the place, just not the location. I do remember the units do not have key locks, you use a FOB to open the door, which I thought was cool!
D0 the rent rates include parking or is it a la carte?
Sorry – Brain Fart. I was thinking Artani…too many ‘Condo’ places that start with an A, R and end in a vowel
“I do remember the units do not have key locks, you use a FOB to open the door…”
I wonder what happens in a power outage. Hopefully there is an old fashioned mechanical key override.
Office buildings have used electrically FOB activated entry locks for decades. When there’s a power outage usually the building empties out since there’s no sense in sitting in a dark office. Those who need to get in are usually helped by security.
Surely the security staff in a large residential building like this cannot escort everyone into their apartments if the power fails. I hope that a normal key can be used to get in.
I know this is off topic, but seriously: what do the granite haters prefer to granite? I know it’s as cool know to bash granite and “stainless” appliances just as it was cool at one point in time to have them, but what’s a good alternative?
I curse my tile countertops every time I cook (I’m messy and the grout its a pain to clean) and granite seems plenty functional (easy to clean) and can be really nice looking in my opinion. What should I replace them with if I want to be the new cool instead of the old cool?
Caesar stone.
I prefer stainless steel to granite. It’s what you would find in any prefessional kitchen. It’s easy to keep sterile and doesn’t spout radon gas.
Quartz or tile can also be nice.
Unfortunateley my rental has nasty 80s melamine counter tops.
I prefer stainless steel to granite. It’s what you would find in any professional kitchen. It’s easy to keep sterile and doesn’t spout radon gas.
Quartz or tile can also be nice.
Unfortunateley my rental has nasty 80s melamine counter tops.
Enameled lava stone…
“Enameled lava stone…”
Interesting. But if it’s enameled then what does it matter what the underlying stone is?
Myself I was thinking soapstone. Too many fond memories from chemistry lab.
I like that list of countertops as well, but I think there would be as many complaints about tile, stainless, and caesarstone as there are for granite.
My fob-operated door locks contain a battery so are unaffected by building system power failures.
i think the building is very tasty. landscaped with taste and the building is clean line and blends in nice with the other period buildings.archstone apt. prices are about the same but argenta is new and top of the line finishings.archstone apts then to be trashy and not kept up to par. the down fault with the argenta its not rent controlled and that will cause many problems renting them
I just looked at a few of these apartments yesterday, and will be putting a deposit down on one today. The rent has come down quite a bit, and I have to say, after living next to a nightclub for three years, anything would be quieter, but these units are surprisingly quiet for the location. Of course, if you choose a unit on the south side, you’ll get an up close and personal view of the shelter across the street, but hey, at least its quiet!