It’s simply three perspectives on 106 Jordan Avenue. From the front above and a peek inside its “4,900 square feet” below.
And from behind…
A fourth perspective? We’ll leave that up to you.
∙ Listing: 106 Jordan Avenue (4/4.5) – $3,695,000 [MLS]

Pretty house. Nice remodel.
Both the interior and lot square footage have asterisks “*” but aren’t explained?
Do you think the 4,900 interior square footage includes the basement? Square footage listed in MLS is not supposed to include basement space. At least that’s my understanding.
A few of us have discussed this one in some other threads. My belief is that are certain homes that appeal to a certain buyer; who fortunately for the homeowner happens to be willing to pay for quality/location. Fully detached, great floor plan. If I didn’t know better I’d say this person is in cahoots with 16 Commonwealth as this home seems far superior, bigger, cheaper. I really like this place and think it will sell, but you can’t overlook what is going on in the markets and the impact this is having on wealth and value perceptions. My standard comment these days is that it will either fly of the shelf, or will sit for a long time. I’ll envy the person that owns this home however.
Not sure what’s going on with the garage either? hard to tell from the pics; listing says side by side for 2 cars, but the pics make it seem like it doesn’t have a garage????
My guess is that the garage is a detached cottage in the very back, probably accessed by alley.
(and probably included in interior square footage–another MLS no no)
The one thing I don’t like about Jordan Ave is that the hospital parking garage on California sort of dead ends the street. At night, the garage shines bright with hundreds of florescent lights and kind of ruins the otherwise peaceful feel of the neighborhood. This really has nothing to do with the house, but I enjoy complaining about that damn garage.
Not to mention the people circling the block looking for street parking.
To be fair, this one is between Euclid and Geary so not as close to the hospital. But still kind of busy, you’ll get the street parkers for BevMo, maybe.
Sleepiguy – I think it has everything to do with the house since detached on three sides means “light coming in on three sides.”
Luckily the side facing California Street and the hospital isn’t the open side. But – how much construction noise and then traffic/light pollution from the senior center they’re building where the Coronet used to be will the house get?
And, come to think of it, you probably do get quite a bit of hospital/medical building parking around this house, it’s only a block away from the 3838 building.
Actually the Calif. St. side of the garage is open. I used to drive down Jordan fairly regularly in the evenings and that garage produces a ton of light pollution. It really mars the block. Otherwise, I think Jordan Park is a fairly pleasant, underrated neighborhood.
Oh, I meant the side of the house that is detached isn’t facing north. The California side of the garage does spill a lot of light, and affects the whole area.
I really do like this house and this neighborhood and will envy the person who buys it. I just think it feels a little “busy” for this kind of money and will be interested to see what happens with it.
I don’t get it… this one is what? 700 sq feet bigger than 16 commonwealth and set farther away from Calif… shouldn’t Commonwealth be priced below this one???
MLS states Parking is Uncovered. Aparently, what you see in picture 14 in what you get.
Very nice house…it just feels like a comfortable home when you walk through it. Nice indoor/outdoor flow too. I’ll bet (not a lot) it sells pretty fast, despite the jittery market. I liked it more than 16 Commonwealth which is priced considerably higher at $4,350,000.
eddy — if you check the sat photos, there is no garage, and no alley way…
parking looks to be just the open driveway in the pics..
Traffic from the senior housing project on Geary? You’ve got to be kidding. I can’t think of any use that generates less traffic. Especially compared with a huge movie theater that used to be there. I guess NIMBYs just have to find something to complain about every new building in the city.
Parking is described as “uncovered” on the MLS page.
It’s my understanding that CPMC on California St is one of the hospitals not yet upgraded to the new earthquake requirements. Mgmt bought the Cathedral Hill hotel on Van Ness to be the site of a new CPMC maternity ward (Cal St’s specialty). My guess is they’re currently working on the EIR and such. Thus, 10 years from now the Cherry St garage is going to be demolished.
I think it will be interesting to watch any SF home priced over $3 million that sits south of Sacramento St.
Jordan and Commonwealth by themselves are nice blocks, but the surroundings (California and Geary) aren’t so special.
I just don’t see Pacific Heights-level prices on this street, especially with no quick access to a park or open space, like Julius Kahn.
price dropped to $3.495…
16 commonwealth was dropped to $3.95…
Jordan Park has always been an odd duck of a neighborhood: many houses completely unattached, almost as if they could be in St. Louis or Rochester NY. Many of them, like this, roomy four-square, built at the same times as similar houses in Pacific Heights. Privileged with a bit more land, but burdened, as noted by other posters, by California, Geary and the unforgiving fluorescent lighted garage.
In the 1980s, there was a price break for not being in Pac or Pres Hts, but current sellers seem to have forgotten that, which is why they do not sell. Nice, large, civilized houses. No views, except sometimes west.
Are either 106 Jordan or 16 Commonwealth still on the market?
Yes. And joined by a handsome 82 Jordan at $2.8 which is surely putting the pressure on 106 Jordan and 17 Commonwealth.
Also, it’s just as easy to search MLS as it is to post on SS.
Eddy, 82 Jordan looks modestly out of date. I doubt it pressures these two because the others are likely trying to find someone who wants something completely done. 82 Jordan is a bit of a project, though the solarium looks fantastic.
I agree. Just the lower price point for getting into the Nabe, which is what most people are going for over there. 82 Jordan is also on the high side for PSF considering that 16 Commonwealth actually closed escrow for 969psf. I’m shocked by that actually.
Also, I really like the property there at 140 Commonwealth. Not so sure about the price and the proximity to Geary, but loving the lot, detached garage and ‘artist studio’.
106 Jordan, In Escrow. This is a very nice home. Good work by the agents who hung in there and held firm. Curious to see what this closes @.
And 16 Commonwealth closes $3.95@ 944/psf. My guess is that there were two buyers competing for these properties, one of them committed on 16C and the other took 106J. 🙂
The sale of 106 Jordan Avenue closed escrow on 7/15/09 with a reported contract price of $3,400,000 ($694 per reported square foot).
140 commonwealth was dropped to $3.94.. such an odd number.