While the façade isn’t quite finished the scaffolding is down from around 77 Van Ness. Once again, it’s 56 potential condos and 21,000 square feet of commercial/retail for lease, but considering the fate of Argenta and Artani perhaps 56 new rental units instead.
∙ 77 Van Ness Rising (And Our Request For A Rendering) [SocketSite]
∙ Argenta’s Confirmed And Artani’s Rumored, Will 77 Van Ness Be Next? [SocketSite]
∙ The Scoop: Argenta (1 Polk) On The Market As An Apartment Building [SocketSite]
∙ The SocketSite Scoop And Rumor Confirmed: Artani Suspending Sales [SocketSite]

This building came out well. I like how it echoes elements of the old Masonic building next door. I am not advocating all new buildings look like it, but it is appropriate and distinctive.
Tasteful. It lacks texture, though.
For what it is, this is a remarkably good looking building. I especially like the tall ground floor and cornice-windows which I’m guessing encloses a roof deck. It yields a strong base and lighter top. I bet this is one commission Heller Manus didn’t get (:
Nice looking building. I’ll be interested to see the interior finishes.
Anyone have any updates on the Argenta? As far as I can tell, it’s still sitting empty.
[Editor’s Note: We had a feeling you might ask: The Scoop: Archstone-Smith Negotiating To Acquire Argenta (1 Polk).]
Yeah, good looking building. Nothing fancy, but very classy and something that will age well.
“Classy” “Tasteful” “Nice looking”???
Just more fake-old SF mediocrity to these eyes.
I love this building! It is modern, yet restrained and appropriate for the site. Great job!