Unfortunately there aren’t more (or better) photos and we haven’t been inside (readers?), but the stairs caught our attention. And the voytastic bath just won’t let it go.
∙ Listing: 2311 19th Street (3/3.5) – $2,195,000 [MLS]

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Unfortunately there aren’t more (or better) photos and we haven’t been inside (readers?), but the stairs caught our attention. And the voytastic bath just won’t let it go.
∙ Listing: 2311 19th Street (3/3.5) – $2,195,000 [MLS]
I just got back from China. A recent fad in 5-star hotels is picture windows between the bedroom and bathroom, usually with some type of window shade or hinged shutters for optional privacy. It certainly raises the question of what’s going on in there… Call me unimaginative, but in my book there’s more happening in the bathroom that I would NOT want to watch than vice versa.
View Home! You can see 101 right out back!
I thought one rincon had chutzpah for putting lipstick on a pig of a location, with esprit park condos a close second, but this takes the cake. Carbon footprint? How about carbon lungprint from breathing in the freeway fumes! Go to the listing and select the “map” tab above the right main photo.
I need to start the “stupid yuppies buying real estate” brokerage. I’ll take them around on my bike and charge 9% in realtor fees because I’m so green.
I know it’s probably a bit of foreshortening, but the photo looks like you couldn’t open the cabinet drawers at the foot of the bed. $2mm and a dink of a place? Bathroom sort of in the bedroom, no thanks.
Why the big fuss about the glass bathroom wall?
Out goes the wall of clear glass; in goes a wall of
frosted glass. Big deal.
I think I need a ride on that bike of yours. I’m a stupid yuppie buying real estate. Or maybe I’m kissing a pig with lipstick. I’m not sure. Perhaps both. Anyway I’m buying at Esprit Park and I heard the talk about bad air there so before I signed on the dotted line I did some research into air quality near Esprit. I found recent studies that indicated air was actually worse at 4th and King than it was at 22nd and Third. But at both places levels were below state guidelines. Of course, that probably doesn’t mean much. Afterall, cigarette smoking is legal too.
But this property on 19th.. isn’t it eleveated a good bit from the the hwy? I’m guessing they’ll be fine. Besides, people spend a lot of time at work or away from their homes and if you live in the City, unless you leave your house with a gas mask, it’s going to be pretty hard to avoid sucking up some good ol pollution. So we’re all screwed I guess. Or kissing pretty pigs.
I dont want to sleep in my bathroom.
Unless it is an emergency.
Sold for $1.95M in March 2006. No major changes made since then.
$1.95m in 2006 and the stock market at 2003 levels…hum. Dare I say more?
chuckles, you could say that the stock market is at 1998 levels too.
In college, our apartment had glass doors like this, and I’d often catch my roommate having sex with her boyfriend in the mornings as I was walking to our hallway bathroom. I don’t know why they make doors with glass.
I thought i recognized this house. It was featured in California Home and Design Magazine in March 2008 (focusing on the building choices and “green” aspects). Click the link and scroll down through the thumbnails till you get to page 122. http://www.chdmag-digital.com/chdmag/mar2008/
Ya, what is the deal with clear glass doors? What if you have a lady-tiger over and you have to go #2 in the morning. Not much left to the imagination, and certaintly not very impressive for the girl to watch you doo-do
The listing for 2311 19th Street has been withdrawn from the market.