The word on the street is that pace of construction for Argenta (1 Polk) has slowed slightly and the sales office now isn’t planning on opening until the first quarter of 2009 (Jan/Feb). Also noted, a “walk score” of 97 out of 100 for the location (“walkers’ paradise”).
∙ Argenta (1 Polk): Ground Breaking [SocketSite]
∙ Argenta Rises While Buildings For Crescent Heights Are Razed [SocketSite]
∙ Argenta (1 Polk) Update: The Scaffolding Starts To Get Stripped [SocketSite]

That walk score is artificially inflated. Under grocery stores, Russell’s Convenience Store is listed. That’s not a grocery store, it’s a junk food and liquor store.
Also listed: Safeway and Andronico’s, neither of which exist in the locations shown on the map. I’m guessing they’re corporate offices or something.
It might be a good location someday, say when the market octavia plan is built out.
this project was being marketed during construction as a rental (sale of the entire project to investors) but didnt get enough interest.
One Polk is caught in a vice grip of bad market timing, and the neighborhood not taking off around them (i.e. Cresent Heights on market street is mothballed and now trying to build as a rental; Archstone’s new condo over post office at fox plaza on hold)
i am surprised that One Polk doesnt just rent out for a couple of years and wait for condo market to return.
walk score has to be a joke. right? i put in one rincon hill, got the same score. then i put in Laurel and Jackson and got the same score. Very un realistic!
“walk score has to be a joke. right?”
No, but just like every other number that we argue over endlessly on this site you have to understand the algorithm and data that goes into generating it before you can decide what conclusions to draw from it.
It is disappointing that this neighborhood is not developing more quickly. So much potential in this area. But that’s been discussed ad infinitum.
Anyway, I’ve got to say I really like how this building is turning out. Much nicer than the renderings. So has it been decided whether this will be apartments or condos?
^Condos. Apartment buildings don’t have sales offices.
Is the methadone clinic still across the street? Sure, there is plenty to walk to from that location, but there was always a lot to walk OVER as well when I worked around there a couple of years ago.
safeway is one train stop away. not sure where Andronico’s is. Harvest (grocery/cafe) is one block away also. You have powell street shopping a couple of blocks northeast, polk street corridor right up the street, castro & hayes valley are right up the street as well. and if you like dive bars/restaurants, TL & TenderNob spots are all walking distance. not sure if this translates to a 97 ‘walk score’, but this location really is a walkable location (if you can get past the walking over bums & human feces issue).
This is one of the windiest neighborhoods, exacerbated by bad planning on the two tall buildings (Fox Plaza, CSAA bldg) that make them literal wind tunnels (love height, but bad location for it!!!), even sometimes on days where the weather is perfectly normal elsewhere.
TheRealScoop has it right, there is a crazy wind tunnel effect at 9th and Market and this adjacent intersection that always tries to lift and seperate you from your motorcycle.
There is still a CATS clinic across the street on Fell, but it is nowhere near what it was a few years ago. Prior to about a year ago, there would always be a long line of people waiting for access to the clinic. Now, the sidewalk is clear, nobody waits outside. I don’t know if they changed which services they offer, or if they moved the line inside, but it appears much better than it was.
2 points: Walk scores are high for ALL of the City. It’s a national comparison.
One good thing about all the wind in the area is that litter doesn’t stay long 😉
The public plaza in the front is a nice touch.
From what I can see, the property has been landscaped and some of the units already have wood floors installed.
A friend connected to this project said she heard it was “on hold”, meaning it may turn into rentals. Given what happened in the markets this week, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea…