If you’ve ever wondered what became of that little grocery at the corner of 18th and Danvers, here’s your chance to peek inside. And we know (especially on a day like today), earthquakes. But hey, we do love our books. And at least they’re not over the bed.
∙ Listing: 105 Danvers/4695 18th (4/3) – $2,289,000 [MLS]
∙ Hundreds remember 1906 earthquake [SFGate]

Great house, but wasn’t it on the market a couple of years ago?
Just curious; is the small round sink in the kitchen the only sink?
Books don’t kill people. Knowledge does!
nice house. nice details and materials. but one flaw..NO HANDRAIL shown on the interior stairway. this is not code compliant and not safe. opens up a nice liability lawsuit for all parties involved.
I’m amazed at how this passes the final building dept. inspection and sign-off.
Knowledge doesn’t kill people, lack of handrails does!
A common trick used when the homeowner does not like the looks of some code complaint feature is to install the cheapest option anyways, pass inspection, and then remove or replace afterwards.
I’m not saying this is a good thing to do, but just that it does happen.
I love this property and would love to make it my home. However, they need to drop the price down to about 525/sq ft. for a home this size in this neighborhood. then i might be willing to be cash poor enough to make an offer.
The great handrail debate in your private home rages on.
sorry but it’s not just about what you can do in your “private” home. Building codes are in place for a reason..to make buildings safe for occupancy, whether it is for minimum room dimensions, ceiling heights, stairway width and tread sizes..and yes, even handrails.of course a homeowner can always remove a handrail they dont like, and some do after the final building inspection. would I recommend it? never. its a stupid thing to not have a handrail. they’re put on for a reason. your guest slips and falls without one. perfect lawsuit time, not to mention a real injury.a LOT of people have been saved from injury just by grabbing on to a handrail. like it or not, the building code is essential, and yes, even in your private home.
i hate handrails and also guests
One of my favorite code violations was seen in an upper Noe house. As you enter from the front door, you step up to a platform and then down into a sunken living room. The catch was that you have to duck to avoid the descending ceiling contour otherwise you whack your head on a 90 degree edge. The whack was even worse if you happened to whack your head on the 3 sided corner that forms a blunt spike. Ouch !
Oh, but never mind, those practical things are trivial because the property was beautifully staged.
The quickest way to owning this home would be to fall down those stairs during an open house – if you feel lucky.
As an Architect, a real eye-opener is to walk through a project as it nears completion with the Owner’s insurance underwriter. they will point out things that are technically up to code that an aggressive personal injury attorney can turn into a cash machine. Depressing but true.
@redseca2 — oh cmon. If they are carrying umbrella liability (they are cheap) you would only “get” this house if you actually became paralyzed in a fall (which could happen with a handrail, if you want) — they don’t hand out slip and fall money for free, despite what you are suggesting.
Insurance companies have aggressive attorneys too!
In any case, this house does not seem wheelchair friendly, and you’d probably be outbid anyway (now *that* would be a bummer)! 🙂
Yes, I agree. an another architect here, I’d say those non-code compliant issues of a house are a sure way to get a lawsuit going..and end up owning this wonderful property.
don’t put up a handrail: go to jail.
dub dub,
Of course I exaggerate, but only a little, because it is Friday.
No handrails resulting in an injury is like taking scissors and cutting off the seat belts in your car and then getting into a wreck with the Sacred Heart Soccer Team in the backseat…or having walls lower than recommended on your tiger enclosure and it gets out, instant law suit.
Handrail Schmandrail….
My favorite code compliance issue is the requirement to space banisters very close together. It’s always been described to me as necessary to prevent young children from getting their heads stuck. In my more curmudgeonly moments I think, if a kid is that dumb, let it teach him a lesson.
Much in the building codes makes sense. Some things don’t, and just seem to be an excuse for building inspectors to #$(% up a fine design (or generate work for trades).
For proof of the vital importance of certain code regulations, such as those governing stair treads for example, one need only look to Europe where, thanks to centuries of construction by people with tiny feet followed by a couple centuries of construction by richer people fond of sweeping staircases, all sorts of different, dangerous stair depths exist to this day. Why, I’ve heard that literally thousands of Europeans are trapped in attics and basements, unable to navigate sub-standard staircases. Those renovated Tuscan farmhouses look nice, but they’re death-traps, I tell you!!!
Most of the building code does make sense. I would agree that some parts of the code are perhaps not logical, but essentially I support and agree with the code. The 4″ clear maximum spacing of vertical balusters is not to keep a child from getting their head stuck. it’s to keep a child from FALLING thru the railing.like it or not, it makes sense.
The code does not make or contribute to poor design. The best designers and architects work within the code to produce good work. A handrail will not “mess” up good design.
No handrail for the first THREE steps of the stairway. There is a hard-to-see glass handrail (probably difficult to grip, but still a handrail) above that.
FYI: handrail required for 4 or more risers. the glass railing is a guardrail, not a handrail.