While the first round of reductions might have been limited to new construction one-bedroom units at Homes on Esprit Park, we can confirm that’s no longer the case.
Yesterday the list price for 900 Minnesota #S320 was officially reduced $61,620 (5.8%) and the list price for 900 Minnesota #S322 (above) was officially reduced $51,972 (4.9%).
No word on any new price guarantees (or recent references to those of yore).
∙ Listing: 900 Minnesota #S320 (2/2) – $991,830 [MLS]
∙ Listing: 900 Minnesota #S322 (2/2) – $1,007,478 [MLS]
∙ Homes On Esprit Park: The Foreshadowing Comes To Fruition [SocketSite]
∙ A Price Guarantee From (And Proof Of Price Reductions At) Esprit Park [SocketSite]

This is a great development – and these 2 bedroom spaces are really nice. Have to be seen in person to be appreciated. However, as I’ve mentioned before, you had to be willing to be a bit of an urban pioneer to live in this location right now – price on these 2BR units is still too high if you ask me.
Esprit park definitely has nice finishes and good square footages. Problem is they compare themselves to one rincon wearas in real life you pay a discount to live in the dogpatch.
the area is a little bit depressing (potrero power plant, decrepit waterfront, pools of vomit, etc.) but this building is quite amazing and pretty quiet compared to the rest of S.F. good luck to all the new urban pioneers who make the push into dogpatch. sadly i could never be in the market for these because my young son might develop asthma in the area. but i still think this is a beautiful, one-of-a-kind development.
Nice places, but still too expensive. Wonder whether the price guarantees are making these prices a little stickier than they should be?
“and pretty quiet compared to the rest of S.F.”
have you heard of Cafe Cocomo? Loud outdoor club that goes all night with heavy partying, speed usage and loud speakers about a block away.
I like the development, like the neighborrhood too, but the pricing is still too high for the neighborhood.
they are pricing at $800/sq ft in a $500/sq ft neighborhood. it was clear that the prices were coming down and will continue to come down from here.
I don’t think either of these will sell for over $900K.
Anothere. that park down not normally look like it does in those pictures? did they photoshop out the homeless?
just looked at this again..
Over $1M for a 1300Sq ft loft in an “up and coming” neigborhood.
Honestly i think this might go down to $800k.
@ Spencer – agreed. These need to be in the $800’s if you ask me as well.
Love the bathtub!
The listing for S320 has only one interior photo and it’s a bird’s eye view. The photos of the park and flowerbeds do nothing for me. That isn’t where you are going to live and it is subject to change (not just with the seasons) and beyond your control.
Kind of like the apartment buildings or condos that have spectacular lobbies. Nice, but you aren’t going to live in the lobby.
800k if they are lucky.
is there no proper enclosed ceiling to the bathroom, or is it just the picture? It looks like the entire house is within earshot of your ablutions (and farts too)
I just can’t agree with you Dogpatch naysayers… it’s not a bad area. Where are the pools of vomit? And the park has dogs and sunbathers whenever I walk past it (well, dogs for sure, sunbathers on those rare warm days). If there are homeless people they’re being very discreet. The noise from Cocomo is a good point, though.
Take a walk through there this weekend. Check out Piccino (cafe), Serpentine (restaurant), and Yield (wine bar). Drop by The Ramp on a warm afternoon. Then post and tell us if you still think you have to be a “pioneer” to live there.
i’ve seen pools of vommit near 3rd all the time, but of course not every day i’ve been there. i guess it depends on if you’re there the day before street cleaning. its still a nice area anyhow, minus the things i’ve observed. i must admit i haven’t seen much homeless.
I’d strongly consider the S322 for $699K 🙂
As with any house purchase, you can change the inside but you cannot change anything on the outside including the neighborhood.
I agree with Spencer. Cafe Cocomo is nothing but trouble. Had a double murder awhile back. The Ramp is also trouble at night when it turns into a nightclub.
After you overspent on your condo, you start to wonder why it’s turning into a prison with nowhere to go.
Sorry Po Hill Jeff, the dogpatch is still urban pioneering. It’s not a terrible area, but it’s not too far off from the ‘loin either. Which is fine, as long as you don’t have to pay established neighborhood prices. Too much money, gotta come down on those.
interesting read…taken with a grain of salt of course…
“dogpatch is still urban pioneering. It’s not a terrible area, but it’s not too far off from the ‘loin either.”
Dogpatch is nowhere near the ‘loin geographically– 2 1/2 miles, about the same distance as from the ‘loin to the Marina District. Two and a half miles is the opposite side of town in SF.
Dogpatch is nothing like the ‘loin physically or demographically, either.
What city do you live in?
thanks for the link to the cafe cocomo story. it is actually worse than i thought. i just expected it to be loud and obnoxious to have a bunch of speed freaks and tweekers partying next door 3 nights aweek. i didn’t excpect the vandalism
I don’t think speed freaks are the crowd. It’s a salsa club.
love the development, hate the location
the tub looks absolutely amazing. i wish more developments include free-standing tubs.
cocomo changes flavors depending on the night. last i knew, they did salsa on thursdays, and it was a pretty mellow crowd. but they have different events which draw way different crowds. most notable was biking home one saturday night up indiana while there was a rowdy crowd waiting to get in. guys in cars by the park were checking their weapons. don’t beef with them and they won’t beef with you. the puke tends to be on the bus stop side of 20th headed towards third. other side is usually cool. there are homeless guys, but they’re known to everybody around.
the development itself is not bad, but the people they’re trying to get in there aren’t really the type of people that would live here otherwise, y’know? i love the neighborhood, but then again, i came up in a much rougher environment and am happy to have places to walk to period, let alone nice places to walk to. but my expectations are going to be a little different than someone that shells out over $1m for (not a house, but) a condo. (at least i’d think so)
(and yeah, we looked at the one with the open ceiling in the bathroom. it’s not a camera trick…it echoes a touch.)
Cocomo is a salsa club every night now:
dan, judging from the calendar, it sdoesn’t look like a salsa club every night to me.
on fri, sat and sun, salsa early and DJ later. and there are a lot of speed freaks who go here. believe me, am very familiar (or at least used to be) with the scene late night here
you can find speed freaks at every club, no matter what music is playing. i’ve known filipinos who attend karaoke bars on the stuff! the latin community is esspecially hit hard by the meth epidemic, so i wouldn’t be suprised if atleast some of cafe cocomo’s regular patrons are tweakers.
I’ve lived on 3rd between 18th and Mariposa for 3 years now. Never hear Cafe Cocomo, never hear the Ramp. Never run into problems with people going into/out of these places, either. Dogpatch is actually pretty quiet because of the lack of foot traffic and businesses — not ideal, since I wish there were more places to eat — but noise is definitely not the issue with living here.