With 60% of the development in contract, and the first closings and move-ins expected to be only a few months away (January/March timeframe), the exterior of The Hayes has started to get unwrapped. And yes, we’ll reserve final architectural judgment until the exterior is complete (and cleaned).
∙ A Plugged-In Reader And Hayes (55 Page) Buyer Reports: 60% “Sold” [SocketSite]

“we’ll reserve final architectural judgment until the exterior is complete (and cleaned).”
You must have been listening when your mother said “if you don’t have anything nice to say . . . .”
Sorry, Mom, but I don’t think this building will ever look more interesting than it does now with the blue scrims. Unless they go multicolor like at Le Meridien at Clay and Battery.
The design bridges classic and modern. The Hayes has proven to be a bullet proof development and an incredible success.
Commuter Storage Pod.
“The Hayes has proven to be a bullet proof development and an incredible success.”
Based on what? I thought they had planned on being “sold out” prior to opening. In either case I think it’s still too soon to tell. I do like the location. Not sold on the design.
Ugh, another cookie cutter, 1999 SOMA looking condo complex, just what we needed…………..
This is the 1st i’ve heard they are putting up a Motel 6 in mid-market.
The only updrage this place can get after the blue tape is off,, is maybe to a Super 8 Motel.
From their website…
“A bunch of apartments and shops are not a neighborhood. A supermarket and a gym are not a neighborhood. A neighborhood is a feeling. It’s familiar faces passing on the sidewalk. It’s “the usual” at your favorite spot. It’s more than a place to live. It’s a home.
Hayes Valley is a neighborhood. And it’s unlike any other you’ve ever known. Here, artists, writers and regular folk elbow up to the bar with symphony and opera fans, fresh from the nearby concert halls. Here, brunch nooks and burger joints trade patrons with world-class restaurants and exotic Cuban, Belgian and Brazilian spots. And here, you can window shop for handsewn clothing, metalwork and African masks—all in the same block.
Most of all, Hayes Valley is a one-of-a-kind neighborhood you can make your own. Because the best way to fit in, is to not fit in at all.”
what a bunch of baloney. Wouldn’t this be considered mid-market along with the SOMA Grand?
“The design bridges classic and modern. The Hayes has proven to be a bullet proof development and an incredible success.”
That’s funny! I do like the development and location, BUT 60% sold is not what I define as *an incredible success*. Hayes been selling for well over a year and the best they can do is 60%?
I say they failed at this point, but when they finally do sell out (without lowering prices), then it could be deemed a success…
Hayes Valley is an interesting area, but with an unfortunate downside: it has two north/south heavily trafficed streets with synchronized lights going right through it.
why so quick to bash the exterior looks of this residential development. it’s not easy to make a midrise like this stand out. how many ways do you think one can you build these mid-rises in cramped lots?? the most you can do is add a few stripes here and there, but what else really. most buyers are more concerned with neighborhood, and quality of construction; not whether the facade looks exciting or cutting edge.
actually this is part of the “market-octavia” area
NOT mid-market (http://www.sfgov.org/site/uploadedfiles/sfra/Projects/MM%20Project%20Area%20and%20Special%20Use%20District%20Boundary%20Map.pdf)
such vitriol for this project…lol
“most buyers are more concerned with neighborhood, and quality of construction; not whether the facade looks exciting or cutting edge.”
I wonder. Factor out the fact the distortion built into the situation of a new building in a neighborhood in transition. In an established neighborhood: two otherwise comparable buildings, one pretty, the other as fugly as this one. I know I’d pay more to live in the one that made me feel good when I approached. Would the typical buyer do the same? How about the bitter renter?
Can you think of another “world class” city where this would even be thought of as an interesting design? Really now, where did we go so wrong? This would be a yawner on the way to an airport in most urban areas, and yet we are so starved for new projects, we begin to see value in such pedestrian projects ONLY because they are new.
It looks like it will be a great place to live. The building design is very subtle and will hold it’s value longer than the once popular loft style did.
one complaint about this development is how close it is to the street all the way up. I’ve noticed this in other places, like the shops on Townshend near division?
It ruins the street when a building imposes itself over you like that. Makes you feel uncomfortable at night. The Hotel Biron is almost blanketed by it. I don’t know why zoning laws are not considering this when it’s an issue East Coast cities dealt with ages ago. If you got over 3 stories, you need to step back off the street as you go up.
This building looks terrible…Wow!
“Ugh, another cookie cutter, 1999 SOMA looking condo complex, just what we needed………..”
What do we need?
On one level we need places to live and in-fill and this seems to fit that bill nicely
What do you expect? The residents of San Francisco, at least the most vocal ones, don’t just accept mediocrity; they demand it, at least when it comes to buildings. Furthermore, when this complex was first conceived, probably at the height of the real estate bubble, the developers probably didn’t think they’d need anything other than a boring beige box to rake in the dough.
Since I am moving in there in about six months, I now have a really long list of who I don’t want at the housewarming. But seriously, most of you people have too much time on your hands and love soaking in your negativity. I’ve walked through it inside and out. It is a pragmatic high density solution to a small lot with one busy street side (Gough side) – the finishes are going to be beautiful when they are done inside and out, I am thrilled with my new apartment, 60% is not shabby in a very depressed market, and if its not to your liking, knock yourself out. It is a free country. I’ll be enjoying my home.
I lived in a similar building on Van Ness and Mission. The neighborhood cleaned up a little bit with foot traffic and activity. It’s not Pac Hieghts by any stretch, but it is great for public transportation and freeway access which is very appealing to some. I work downtown and all lines passed through that area, a short ride and walk and you’re home.
I had heard that Van Ness was going to be narrowed south of Market and would be beautified with palm trees, not sure where this stands, but as this area gets built up, there will be some improvement, and the area will develop its unique feel and eventually values will appreciate.
Home owners live on the inside and as long as there is a good design with all the creature comforts the owners will be happy. With those nice windows some of the upper floors will have nice (I’m not saying breathtaking) views which can add so much, even if nothing more than wonderful light.
Overall, I think these are expensive on a ppsf basis, but that seems to be the going rate for now. Still I can’t see the prices falling that much, this building is not even complete and with so many reservations/contracts it is likely to fill up quickly as people actually see the homes or models without having to make drastic reductions. I know that some projects, the Palms, gave some incentives, but regardless, they still sold out and there was no fire sale, not really as they sold at high ppsf.
To Ebayj, congratulations and enjoy your home.
yea cookie cutter and modern…man tokyo is reaaaaaaal boring then.
i see SF becoming more and more like tokyo because of it’s mix of modern architecture and the old school.
now if only the people were as nice and honest…
“i see SF becoming more and more like tokyo because of it’s mix of modern architecture and the old school.”
I love SF and I really don’t have an opinion on the building, but having been to tokyo many times…just came back and still not sleeping, I’m not sure this is a accurate comparison.
Tokyo is as mind blowing as the opening scene in Blade Runner. Sometimes the architecture is so amazing I have difficulty comprehending its beauty. SF is great, but it has a little way to go …
Doesn’t excite me. Proof that smaller buildings AREN’T always better than bigger ones.
I must admit that it adds a great level of high density that I would like to see all down Market to Castro. And yes, this building, blaaah!
Would the critics of this building prefer it to be a stainless steel cube on an angle sporting fiber optic lighting display that changes color, or possibly a Frank Ghery curled apple skin design in titanium? Maybe a zen temple, concrete and glass monolith, egyptian pyramid, caesars palace, a windmill and mix and match green siding?
a Frank Ghery curled apple skin design in titanium sounds great! sign me up!
a frank ghery design that costs less than $0.02 psf – definitely sign spencer up!
the original quip was funny. this one is not.
I can currently spend up to 850K for a condo. When i see something in this city for that price that fits my needs, is aesthetically pleasing and feels like a good reward for my hard work, then i will go for it.
until then, not worth it. If people refuse to pay 1000/sq ft for utter shit, then it will stop selling for that.
i’ve worked hard enough to demand a good looking home in a safe and clean neighborhood. until i find it I’m happy renting and socking away the extra 4-5K a month that i would be spending on a mortgage.
I think if you read Spencer’s posts more clearly, he is saying he would not want to pay such high prices in such an average, dull looking building (ie Soma Grand). The sad thing is, buildings such as these are being priced at numbers that are higher than average. I couldn’t agree with him more. Give me a Gehry apple skin and I’ll gladly pay those prices.
Ebayj, the neighborhood is fantastic and I’ve heard the apartments are lovely. I’m sure you’ll enjoy living there.
if you read all of spencer’s posts, everything going for anything over $100psf is an utter piece of crap. nothing will “fit” your needs, you just need to bash everything that doesn’t.
anon. the market is overpriced. it’s not my fault
I would pay 1000/sq ft to live in a gehry designed building if it was in the right neighborhood. I am more than willing to spend 600-800/ sq ft to live in a nice building in a ncie neighborhood, but will not pay more than 500/sq ft. in a piece of shit unsafe urine and feces filled neighborhood where my girlfriend can’t visit.
Apparently I am lucky to be in a large non-rent controlled 2br apt in Pac Heights for 2100. I am in a position to demand a good building in a good area at a good price. if others were to follow suit instead of jumping on the bubble bandwagon and bidding up to 1000/sq ft for shitty condos, then the market could correct itself.
is hayes valley a urine and feces type of place? i was under the impression that it was improved after the the central freeway teardown?
i see a lot of homeless near turk (western addition area) but not sure about the area this condo is in.
this is not my definition of hayes valley. this is mid market
anonymouse, Hayes Valley is still sketchy. It’s ok during the day but gets rather unwelcoming at night. There just aren’t that many people out and about; nor are there very many businesses open. Yes, a few, a lot? No.
I don’t agree that Hayes Valley is sketchy at all. It is quite developed and quite nice and has been for a few years now, with many great shops, restaurants, etc. It’s not Pacific Heights, but it is more SoHo than Bowery. Unless you’re scared of anything that doesn’t feel like Mayberry, it would be a very nice neighborhood to live in.
That said, The Hayes is not really in Hayes Valley — maybe on the very southeast edge. But the location is nevertheless just fine. Just take a look — it will be readily apparent this is not “a urine and feces filled neighborhood.”
I’m imagining a drawing like the famous New Yorker cover– the New Yorker’s view of the world, with just a few hills on the other side of the Hudson representing California and China.
Spencer’s version includes San Francisco in great detail north of California St. Neighborhoods south of California St. are represented by little piles of human waste on the horizon.
Actually, hayes Valley is one of my favorite neighborhoods. This complex is just not in Hayes Valley. it is market street area. Big difference.
I also love Potrero hill and Noe Valley and Glen Park and parts of Miraloma Park. I just have a problem with rampant drug use and homelssness and violence and petty crime and new developments going up in those areeas and pricing themselves as if they were in nicer areas.
i checked out the hayes valley neighborhood association’s website, and they consider this area as part of their “neighborhood”:
The funny this is that Hayes Valley doesn’t really need any of you…it’s doing quite fine on it’s own.
Thanks viewlover for your kind wishes.
I see the neighborhood parsing patrol is checked in. I’ve also heard the area around Zuni and 55 Page referred to as Deco Ghetto. I don’t really care what you call it – 55 Page is right on the Market street transit corridor, a block from Octavia on ramp, and steps from all the great arts venues in the city. Works for me.
And anon is right – Hayes Valley has been doing quite well for some time now. I remember what it was like in the early/mid 80s. There is no comparison.
i think it’s a good area, can only get better with further development. congratulations ebayj, enjoy your new home.
Do we have an update on % sold?
I believe they are in the 65-70% range at this time. They are seeing some pied a terre and foreign investment activity also – and generally continuous buyer interest in the building. I recently transferred to a larger unit than I had originally reserved and the process was seamless and well executed. Prior to that transaction I did another walk through (my second) – I have to say the sun and views from the Gough Street side (especially from fourth floor on up) really exceeded my expectations. Taste is completely subjective, but it is shaping up to be a stunning building for my money.