While it’s true that one-half (as in one of two units) of the Sunset Idea House hit the market last week, it’s not true that the developer and Sunset have parted ways. Expect all 4,800 square feet (1,200 at 1303 Alabama and 3,600 at 3027 25th) to be on tour for ten weekends starting in November. And according to a tipster, expect the buyer of 1303 Alabama to wait until the end of January to take occupancy (or negotiate an alternative arrangement with Sunset).
And while we’re not going to get in the middle of the neighborhood notification, permitting and design debate, we will note that “a provisional permit was issued [for the wind turbine] and the system will be monitored to ensure it meets expectations for low noise levels and bird safety.” And that the devlelopment does incorporate a number of eco-friendly features (think grey water catchment, recycled/salvaged materials, and landscaping) beyond the turbine and solar panels.
∙ The SocketSite Scoop: Half Of The Sunset Idea House Hits The Market [SocketSite]
Took advantage of the free tour this weekend. Bedrooms and bathrooms on the ground floor made no sense – wouldn’t ever feel comfortable cracking a window in either and felt a little cave like. Master bathroom tiles and floor were gorgeous. Anybody know who did the work? Stairs, kitchen and deck have yet to be finished which made it hard to value the finished product but I’ll be shocked if this sells for anything near a million or anytime soon.
I live in Marin – Can somebody point me to a good place to learn more about:
‘…the wind turbine, and grey water catchment…’
I checked out Sunset’s site, and linked through to Sustainable Spaces and Meridian Builders, but I can not easily find information on these topics.
This would be for a retrofit of an existing house, not new construction.
We already installed Solar Panels, they are great, we are looking to take a couple more steps in this direction…
Thanks for any pointers.
I read socketsite and curbed everyday. Not to be informed about what is really going on, but for the same reason I stand in the longest line at the grocery store and check out the gossip magazines and read the dirt about Britney, Paris and Angelina.
I just read that Britney is a lesbian! Awesome!
Anyway, I read all kinds of made up stuff about me and my home but never respond because I would hate to set the record straight and take all the fun out of it for everyone. All the made up gossip is much more entertaining than the simple boring truth.
However, I did want to respond this time to the question regarding information about the rainwater/gray water and wind turbine. My company installed both systems and I would love to talk to you about them.
My email is [email protected] and my website is mbuild.com
Actually anyone who is interested in knowing the truth about the history or future of the building, permiting process, green building….feel free to contact me.
Regardless of what you have read, I am not an evil manipulative bitch and would be happy to talk about this or any other construction project.
Socket Site says there recycled lumber in this project, is that perchance recycled from the building they tore down, or did the previous turn of the centry building all go to landfill?
nice touch on the IKEA kitchen cabinets. particleboard is sorta green, no? reuse of wood chips, saw dust, etc otherwise destined for the landfill…or is that a stretch?
Nice to meet you finally…I’ve been following your project via these sites and it does seem to have a lot of information…or mis-information surrounding it.
I think your project is amazing from many levels and I’d love to hear your historical facts regarding what I’ve been following on these 2 sites. Instead of us having a private email trail, let’s use this forum to set the record straight…once and for all. I too prefer facts instead of gossip but if you leave people to their own devices…well, you know!
1. Was neighborhood notification done to all the residents that should have received it? Did you feel you did a neighborhood “outreach” or should you have?
2. How were you able to put such a modern structure in an area primarily (but not totally) filled with eduardians, art deco, etc. type buildings? Are there truly neighborhood guidelines that must be followed?
3. Should you have done another neighborhood notification for the wind turbine? If not, why?
4. Will you be selling the larger portion in the near future (next 9 months) or remaining and living in the neighborhood?
5. Did the wood for the second unit really get trucked in from back east?
6. Did you expedite any of the planning processes and where there exceptions to the SF building code made for your building?
7. Why are there so many lights and water devices (pool, spa, shower heads)?
8. Are you planning on having solar electric or will your wind turbine supply all the electricity needed?
9. Are there 2 full systems for the 2 units or 1 system sharing energy to both?
10. Did the architect really get fired?
11. Did Sunset control the design or were you involved as well?
These seemed to be the main topics discussed in past threads, etc. and I look forward to your answers.
Hey Erik,
Rain catchment is a GREAT idea IF it is done correctly- and it is tricky to do. Most plumbers have no idea how to do it and most building departments don’t know how to inspect for it.
Make sure the contractor you find has several of these projects under their belt (unless you are filthy rich, I don’t think you want to pay for someone’s learning curve),the projects are several years old (problems don’t always show up immediately) and they were done in the county you live in (all building depts. are not created equal).
Also, speak with the homeowners to see how it is working out on a day in and out basis. Some ideas sound good but in the end????
Good luck!
Hey Wendy,
Email me or even better, come by the jobsite and I will show you around and answer all your questions. I don’t really want to post answers to questions on this site. I don’t have the time or interest in an ongoing dialogue with people who are so angry and fabricate lies about things they know nothing about. i have much better things to do with my time.
However I do have the time and interest in speaking with people who are genuinely interested in my house or green building in general.
So email me or just stop by. I’m onsite most of the time.
[email protected]
I’d love to but my schedule just won’t allow (work, school, kids).
I’m just a lover of architecture, have interest in green building and found your project (and all the subsequent posts) interesting.
I’m sorry you feel so many lies are being posted about your project…that must hurt and be frustrating.
Remember, you have the “power of the pen” and dialog with “those throwing stones” might be helpful as well as heeling. Public forums are great for facts as well as lies.