As much as we can appreciate the understated façade, designer interior and up-close and personal Bay views of 745 Marina Boulevard, it’s really the “Heated Outdoor Living Room” overlooking the “formal gardens with faux-lawn, granite stepping stones, a contemporary granite fountain, an in-ground spa flanked by two elevated fire bowls, and a concealed flat-panel television” that won our hearts (and a place on this site).
∙ Listing: 745 Marina Boulevard (3/3.5) – $4,950,000 [Nina Hatvany] [MLS]

Why are there three links in the post, two of which are links to the same site?
It says a lot about the location that someone is willing to have that expensive of an investment in a liquefaction zone.
In an earthquake, a liquefaction zone is a difficult place for a house to hold up in.
For a second I thought this house was in So Cal.
I was going to rant about the absence of size info (sqft) on the listing agent’s website, but I see there’s none in this MLS listing either.
The original MLS listing had the sq footage at 3,100. That would translate in about $1,600/ft, but who knows as the sq footage has now been taken off of MLS.
From propertyshark:
Sold in 2001 for $2,600,000
Sold in 2003 for $2,150,000
Sold in 2005 for $3,100,000
Property area is shown as 2,310 sqft but that might not include the ground floor areas that were legalized in 2004 or the sauna that was added in 2005 along with the gardens, spa and garden house.
It’s a gorgeous looking home, no doubt.
But can you say, “liquefaction?”
$5 million and it’s sitting on quicksand between two active fault lines (Hayward and San Andreas), one of which runs a 2 in 3 chance of a 6.7 trembler over the next 20 years (Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities). The purchaser of this property has way too much money on their hands. And no doubt, when the quake comes, they will be pleading for handouts when their gaudi faux villa sinks into the muck.
Why would a house like this have so much turnover? This is the fourth sale in 6 years? Don’t you think people willing to drop that much money on a house would actually like to live in it for a while or are most of these buyers just flippers?
Marina Flippers!
The confidential sale of 1771 north point seems to have done wonders for the marina comps. Marina Blvd is way over rated and this house is just off the 101 off-ramp so lots of traffic and noise; plus any furniture you put in the front gets sun bleached. $3-5M seems to be the going rate for marina blvd these days. Wonder what the price of all the properties from Divis to Gough is (x) 4M? You could get the value of the whole strip. I’m sure there is odd 6-9M property somewhere in that strip.
It would be cool to be chilling in the hot tub during a 6+ to watch all the bldg’s around you crumble! 🙂
Property shark must have an error. because RE in San Francisco never goes down.
It’s a beautiful house, no doubt. But I would be concerned about the liquefaction zone, and also the high turnover of this property
why do people feel the need to put a TV outside?
A lot of bashers of this property…but I bet most would love to live in this pad and spray Cristal in the pool with some Marina blondes off Chestnut St. And if you can afford to buy it, you can afford earthquake insurance.
“A lot of bashers of this property…but I bet most would love to live in this pad and spray Cristal inthe pool with some Marina blondes off Chestnut St.”
Maybe not since even the last 4 people who were rich enough to purchase this place didn’t even want to live in it longer than 1-2 years in most cases.
This is probably the only decently remodeled home for sale in either Pac Heights or the Marina. I think it’s priced well… There is another property down the street on M. blvd that’s like 6.1 and a piece of trash.
All fine and good, but what’s with the American flag IN THE BEDROOM?
And it’s under contract..