Okay, so we’re suckers for peeking inside small/eclectic buildings. And doubly so when they note, “solar powered and fully self-sufficient in its electricity consumption.”
UPDATE (5/21): The listing was withdrawn from the market on 5/17/07.
∙ Listing: 55 Laidley (2/1) – $699,000 [Virtual Tour] [MLS]

I suspect “fully self-sufficient” is realtorees for “no grid hookup, you’d better not want to do anything at night.”
Small or not, this is very charming and an interesting alternative to a condo. I would rather live here and feel I am living in San Francisco instead of some SOMA high rise with palm trees and San Diego/Irvine aesthetics.
I visited an open house here. It is really random inside with lots of different floor levels, really narrow stairs, low ceilings, etc. But the view from the bedroom window upstairs is amazing and the non-electric wood barrel hot tub in the backyard was appealing.
Absolutely stunning. I guess this sucker doesn’t even qualify for “charming home”. I am sure the bidding war will drive up this baby to $1,000,000. Just so much fun watching SF real estate these days. Only question is: when will a property like this hit the 2 Mill mark? Maybe next spring or already this fall? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
I agree that much of it seems random, but I’d describe it more as quirky – the different elements tie together quite nicely. The thing that struck me most was the strange, corrugated metal type fencing in the front – I didn’t ask if it served any purpose. For some reason, the kitchen and den/2nd bedroom reminded me of a cottage in the French countryside.
The LP seems absurdly low for Laidley (a dream street for me), and it’ll probably get bid up. I don’t know if it’s proper for me to post this, but the LP might have something to do with the foundation – needs some pretty major work.
I don’t understand who would want to live here if they could have the option to live somewhere else? 700k will get you a really nice TIC in many desirable parts of the city. You might even get a parking space. This place is , but really, who’d want to live here given the choice?
What ever happened to that odd narrow listing that was on the market / featured here a while back.
I really wish SS would have a special area the focused on follow ups.
Not sure the bedroom legally qualifies as habitable space.
This house was in escrow about a month ago, but fell out. Scary, but $699,000 is lot value in this neighborhood. Hire the guy who did the foundation work on 149 Mangels, and you’ld have a pretty good deal.
“I don’t understand who would want to live here if they could have the option to live somewhere else…”
Laidley has to be one of the most interesting, scenic, quirkly and pleasant streets in San Francisco. I would consider the location of this house to be a major, major plus.
i believe you are talking about 99 Surrey Street (What ever happened to that odd narrow listing that was on the market / featured here a while back.). it’s currently in contract and pending.
“Laidley has to be one of the most interesting, scenic, quirkly and pleasant streets in San Francisco.”
Yeah, I heard that, too. In fact Laidley is the Champs-Elysees of San Francisco. Nice try Mr. listing agent.
comments about Laidley are bizarrely all over the board. In my opinion Laidley is in fact a pleasant quirky street (i’m not in the real estate biz at all). One shouldn’t assume that every positive comment is a plug.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but some of the dismissiveness towards this street and neighborhood seems very odd to me. Is it just the usual “there’s no desirable real estate south of California?”. Haven’t we put that one to bed yet?
saw this prop last sunday; at best its a complete ‘tear-down’…charming street in a charming neighborhood however.
A friend of mine owns a nearby house on Laidley.
His house has an incredible panoramic downtown skyline, Bay Bridge, and Bay view! The portion of Laidley with the downtown views is indeed one of the nicer streets in SF.
Yes, some folks apparently have never ventured south of California St.
Interesting to see the House that my Grandfather built in 1908 on the internet. I miss this house as much as I love any living or deceased person that has meant something to me.
If my father hadn’t forced me to sell it, I’d probably still be living in it. Many wonderful memories were lived by me in this house, it could have nothing but good vibes.
Does anyone know what’s going on with 525 Laidley? It’s only $400 sq/ft and it looks nice (with in-law potential downstairs). I don’t know the area but is this the deal of the City?
Regarding 525 Laidley, the property was listed twice this year and didn’t sell. With the most recent re-listing, the asking price was dropped by 100k. The square footage was re-appraised as 3200 instead of the 2250 listed in tax records, and the number of bedrooms was increased from 4 to 5. So that makes it look much better on paper.
Looks like 55 Laidley sold for $615k in April 2008.