With a colorful history that’s second only to its colorful interior, another San Francisco Registered Landmark (1990 California) is on the market. Currently carved up into 12 units, the Victorian mansion was built for Mrs. Doming de Goni Atherton in 1881/1882 and ranks among the first Queen Anne residences in San Francisco (architect unknown). It’s definitely worth a peek (and a read).
∙ Listing: 1990 California (12 units) – $6,500,000 [1990californiastreet.com]
∙ National Register #79000527: Atherton House [noehill.com]

Kudos to Les Natali for the restoration. Has anyone actually been inside? It looks incredible.
12 bedrooms, 1 car garage. Let me guess, adding more garage space at the expense of a half-underground back room is completely out of the question.
Love the inlaid floors, though.
Wow – could certainly have some great dinner parties there. With the low rents that some units are paying, would be hard to make economic sense of it.
I lived with my then partner Edward Kitson in Ballroom for 1 month back in the late 70’s. Before we moved in we were asked by the then caretaker to stay in his apartment while he was away for a short time. One very early morning we woke up and Edward had left the room, I remember rolling over in bed and there standing in a door way leading to a part of the house that was under construction was the blurry figure of a male figure. Non threating and still very sleepy I thought nothing of it. It was not until the next day or so that we had found out that the mansion was possibly haunted and was told the story of George Atherton. I then remembered what I saw that morning and to this day I still believe I saw his ghost and from what I have read and now know, I know I did.
DEHUE MARSHALL, if you read this, of the last post please contact me via email at [email protected]
I knew ed kitson, the artist who did fantastic drawings back in the 70’s. what ever happened to his art??
UPDATE: The Haunted Atherton House Is Headed For The Courthouse Steps