The listing for 2021 Webster boasts “mass appeal” (Victorian bones with a modern renovation). And to be honest, we might just have to agree. We particularly appreciated the ceilings (and bamboo). Now if only it advertised “mass affordability” as well.
UPDATE (11/07): We’ve taken a tour. It’s not the ideal block (a lack of single family homes/residential), but the house is stunning and it honestly doesn’t feel narrow in the slightest (see comments). The pictures don’t do it justice, and if it’s in your price range, it’s worth a look.
∙ Listing: 2021 Webster (4/3.5) – $2,295,000 [MLS] [Coldwell Banker]

Phenomenal property and location.
Last sold for $1.95 million in January of 2004. Given there’s been a major renovation and existing owner has been in it for nearly 3 years, $345K profit seems ….almost light.
I agree with Dude. The listing agent is certainly going for a bidding war. This property will sell fast and for over asking IMO. Care to make it a guessing game? $2.52, +10%
A little to close to LPH, and California St isn’t the best, but its still a SFH in a pretty nice area.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to write this, because I generally don’t care for the Victorians (which I know is blasphemy to some in this city), but that place actually is pretty damn sweet.
Not sure I’m entirely sold on the asking price in that particular neighborhood (even though many “love” the Fillmore) nothwithstanding the fantastic renovation. Although, 3100 square feet ain’t exactly an efficiency apartment, so that’s definitely a plus.
Bottom line…..I’m a fan, just not at that price.
Nice place, but look at the front door. That’s 3 feet wide, so the whole house is about 15 feet wide (the living room looks to be about 12 feet wide, but it’s inset from the side of the property by about 3 feet.
I’ve seen travel trailers that were wider.
So it’s VERY long. Perfect for displaying string. You can’t see out of the back of the kitchen, so my guess is they built right up to the lot line, or pretty close to it. So you are getting a 15′ wide place with no real outdoor space on a busy street. $740/sq ft seems cheap, and $800 doesn’t seem out of the question given the quality of the finishes (the ceilings ARE outstanding), but I doubt it ends up in too much of a bidding war.
“Nice place, but look at the front door. That’s 3 feet wide, so the whole house is about 15 feet wide (the living room looks to be about 12 feet wide, but it’s inset from the side of the property by about 3 feet.”
I’m no Victorian afficinado, but isn’t that how Victorians are designed? Isn’t it basically a bowling alley without the pins and ball returner? If so, then tipster’s comment is sort of like saying, “Great dog, but what’s with all the hair?”
Or is that door narrow even for a Victorian.
The listing says the lot with is 22 feet (which is more narrow than the standard 25 feet), and if you look further back, the house is built from side lot-line to side lot-line. My guess is the front of the house is probably around 18-19 feet.
Not an unusual width for a Victorian, I think.
However, given its 82 foot lot length, I’m guessing this building is right close to the back of the lot as well.
This is why 1900-1920 Edwardian’s are the finest historical houses in San Francisco.
Edwardians are more functional and living friendly.
Great Edwardian SFHs are the best investments in all of SF.
Victorians have beautiful detailing, but are like train tracks.
Edwardians are much better.
I went by this one and it’s beautiful. The kitchen is massive and totally done. There is a steam room, sauna, finished basement wired for home theater, two car garage, hot tub and mosaic tiles in the baths. A sprinkler system on timers so you don’t even have to water than plants. It’s a block away from Fillmore too. It’s a pretty rare find to see a place that’s done like this, I just wish I could afford it!!
Back on the market today for…$3.495 million, having sold for $2.295 in January! Oh my, and good luck!