Perhaps their ears were burning. (Or they decided to capitalize on all the attention 2760 Sacramento #11 was generating on SocketSite.) In either case, 2760 Sacramento #9 just hit the market.
It’s another sweet little top-floor one bedroom unit (we seriously applaud the creative use of space for the crib), which is nicely updated with a granite and stainless steel kitchen (again, notice the Sub-Zero refrigerator), and has a south facing living area (pro: better light, con: faces the street) and deeded parking space.
The price? $769,000. Yes, that’s $114,000 more than #9 sold for three years ago, and $20,000 (or a granite kitchen) more than the new and improved asking price for #11, but it’s still $58,000 less than the contract price of #3 ten months ago (which, if you haven’t been “plugging in,” is a bottom floor unit without parking). Anyone still think it’s an unfair comparison or not a trend?
∙ But Isn’t The Median Sales Price Up? [SocketSite]
∙ Listing: 2760 Sacramento #9 (1/1) – $769,000 [Hill & Co.] [MLS]
∙ Three Blasts From The Not So Distant Past [SocketSite]

Editors Note: the original off-topic comment (and subsequent thread) on this post have been moved here.