It’s always interesting to compare the listings in a building. Take 1201 California for example. There are currently four coop’s for sale in the building ranging in price from $1,195,000 to $1,995,000; the units have been on the market from twenty days to six months; and at least two of the units have been reduced (by as much as $200,000). And depending upon which listing you believe, the building consists of 63, 70, 76, or 94 units…
∙ Listing: 1201 California #601 (2/2) – $1,195,000 [Coldwell Banker] [MLS]
∙ Listing: 1201 California #1101 (2/2) – $1,195,000 [Coldwell Banker] [MLS]
∙ Listing: 1201 California #1401 (2/2) – $1,250,000 [Hill & Co.] [MLS]
∙ Listing: 1201 California #1601 (2/2.5) – $1,995,000 [Ackerman] [MLS]